Imagine that you have been offered a fantastic internship experience...
Did you know that you can get academic credit for this experience that will apply towards your graduation requirements? Students can earn up to 6 credits of internship credit by taking an internship course in their major (Ie. POL 495, SOC 495, etc.) that will apply toward their graduation requirements, or they may complete SAS 495 if they want an internship to fulfill a general elective or with department approval, substitute it to meet a major course.
General requirements:
- Students generally enroll in internships in their junior and senior year when they have completed courses in their major. Freshmen are not allowed to enroll in internships.
- Credit for non-specific internships is given through formal departmental courses. Please contact your major advisor for information about internship possibilities in your major. Internship courses are normally listed as a 495 course in the department.
- In some cases, internship credit can be awarded for internships outside of a student's major. If you are a student in the School of Arts and Sciences and have questions, please contact Lisa O'Quinn, Assistant Dean Community Engagement, Outreach, and Experiential Learning at
- A limit of 6 credits in internships may be counted toward the undergraduate degree. An exception to this limit may be made for 6-credit parliamentary internships within study-abroad programs.
- A given internship may be counted as only one course. Student cannot recieve credit for two courses for the same internship, even if it extends over two semesters. Credit may not be awarded retroactively for previous internships.
- Minimum Cumulative GPA required: 2.5. Individuals departments may set higher GPA requirements.
Internship Checklist: Consult the following checklist which guides you through the steps to securing credit for an internship: Student Checklist for Registering for an Internship Course
Internship Agreement: This document outlines the responsibilities between the student and Arts and Sciences: Internship Agreement
Students must sign the Internship Agreement and submit a copy to their major advisor and to Dean O'Quinn at
As always, with any questions, please reach out to Dean Lisa O'Quinn at