March of the fifth year of service: The candidate should meet with the chair of his/her department to suggest possible names for external evaluations. The candidate can propose up to 8 names, although no more than half of the evaluators selected by the chair can be taken from the names suggested by the candidate. At this point the faculty member should also discuss any potential evaluators who should not appear on either list.
April and May: The chair should send solicitation letters to the prospective external evaluators, giving them two weeks to indicate their willingness to serve. The deadline given to receive the evaluations is September 15th. A template for the solicitation letter can be found here.
June 1: The candidate should give to the chair the complete pdf files to be sent to the external reviewers, including: a c.v., a statement summarizing the candidate’s research interests, and all publications.
September 1 and 15: The chair sends reminders to any evaluators who have not turned in their reviews. The final deadline is September 30th. It is necessary to have at least six letters (no more than three from evaluators proposed by the candidate) in order for the Senate CAP to consider a file, and all letters should be available for the departmental vote.
October: The department votes on the dossier for tenure and promotion.
November: The School CAP (Committee on Appointments and Promotion) votes on the dossier for tenure and promotion. Then, in a subsequent meeting, the Ordinary faculty of the School of Arts and Sciences vote on the dossier for promotion only.
December 15th: The application is submitted by the dean’s office to the Office of the Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies.
Spring: The dossier is considered at the Senate CAP and the Academic Senate for tenure and promotion. The President then reviews the dossier and approves or disapproves of the tenure and promotion. If he or she approves, he or she transmits the file through the Provost to the Board of Trustees. Promotion to Associate Professor is concluded by the final recommendation of the President.
June: The application for tenure only is considered at the Board of Trustees meeting.