Both faculty probationary for tenure and continuing non-tenure-track faculty (that is, full-time appointed contract faculty not eligible for tenure, sometimes known as Clinical Faculty, Collegiate Faculty, Faculty of Practice, or Faculty of Teaching) are reappointed every other year during their first six years of service. 

Ordinarily, probationary faculty will have reappointments in the third and eighth semesters of service and will go up for tenure in their sixth year of service, with tenure review beginning in the eleventh semester of full-time service–faculty have the right to go up early if they choose. In whatever year that they go up for tenure, if the application for tenure fails, then they are eligible for a final year of service in the following year but must leave the University after that final year.

Appointed full-time contract faculty generally have two-year appointments for the first six years of full-time service and become eligible for three- to five-year contracts after their sixth year of full-time service.

After the second year of service, both probationary and appointed contract faculty should be given a year’s notice in the event of non-reappointment. For this reason, after the first reappointment, subsequent reappointments will be done a year before the end of the contract. For example, if an appointment ends in August 2025, then the reappointment will be done in AY23-24. 

Tenure-track probationary faculty and clinical faculty who begin service in Fall of 2022 would, under ordinary circumstances, do their first reappointment in Fall of 2023 and should have their reappointment package ready for their chair by September 15, 2023. Probationary tenure-track faculty who began in Fall 2022 would ordinarily do their second reappointment in the spring semester of 2026 and should have their reappointment materials to their chair by January 15, 2026. Clinical faculty who began in Fall 2022 would ordinarily do their second reappointment in the spring semester of 2025 and should have their reappointment materials to their chair by January 15, 2025. 

To submit a reappointment application, the candidate should fill in the 1-R form available on the Provost’s website and include a c.v. and a teaching portfolio. The teaching portfolio should include all syllabi, complete student evaluations (with comments), and peer teaching evaluations since the last reappointment. For tenure, the portfolio should include all syllabi and evaluations for the entire probationary period. For promotion to Ordinary, the portfolio should include syllabi and student evaluations for the last five years as well as one peer teaching evaluation.

For non-renewals in the first or second year of service, please see Faculty Handbook II-B-3.026-.030.