A complete tenure and promotion dossier should include: 

At least six letters from outside evaluators, no more than three of whom should be chosen from the candidate’s list of suggested evaluators (candidates can also exclude potential reviewers from being used)

The candidate’s c.v. 

A 1-T form, completed through the departmental votes and chair’s signature in Part IV 

A 1-P form, completed through the departmental votes and chair’s signature in Part IV 

Pdfs of all publications or other research materials sent to outside evaluators. Faculty are encouraged to write a two-page research statement to include in the package of materials that goes out to the outside evaluators and that will accompany their tenure or promotion case.  

A sample letter used to solicit the external evaluations 

A teaching portfolio, with all course evaluations, including comments, and peer teaching evaluations

A chair’s letter (2-4 pages) that provides an overview of the case, including summative assessments of the external letters and the candidate’s teaching, research, and service. The chair’s letter should indicate which external reviewers were nominated by the candidate and which by the department. It is desirable to include a discussion of the relationship between the candidate’s work and the mission of the University.