MBS compiles a list of approved courses every semester. The list contains both courses offered directly through the Center (labelled MDST) and courses offered by other schools and departments that are relevant for the study of the Middle Ages. Only courses from the approved lists can be considered for MBS credit and students are required to consult their advisors to approve their individual choices.
For language courses in Greek and Latin please consult the course schedule of the Department of Greek and Latin.
Fall 2024
Undergraduate courses:
- ANTH 108: Introduction to Archeology. Laura Masur. MW 11:10-12:25.
- ANTH 204: Forensic Anthropology. David Clark. MW 12:40-1:55.
- ART 211: History of Art: Prehistory to the Middle Ages. Heather Turnbow. TuTh 2:10-3:25.
- CLAS 260: Leadership in Byzantium. Fabio Pagani. TuTh 2:10-3:25
- ECST 315/TRS 329A: Spiritual Athletes: Monks and Martyrs in Early Christianity. Nathan Tilley. TuTh 12:40-1:55
- ENG 351: Chaucer and His Age I. Megan Murton. WF 11:10-12:25
- HIST 235: The Medieval World. Jennifer Davis. MWF 11:10-12
- HIST 309C: Muslims, Christians and Jews. Lev Weitz. TuTh 11:10-12:25
- HIST 349B: Discovering Medieval DC: A Digital Humanities Approach to Public History. Jennifer Davis and Laura Morreale. M 3:40-6:10.
- HSHU 101: Jesus to Muhammad. Thomas Clemmons. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- LAT 461: Introduction to Medieval Latin Studies. Fabio Pagani. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- MUS 325: History of Music I. Andrew Weaver. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 344: Spiritualities and Liturgies of the Eastern Churches. Stefanos Alexopoulos. TuTh 2:10-3:25
Graduate courses:
- GR 705: Greek Patristics Seminar (Gregory of Nazianzus). William McCarthy. MWF 5:10-6:00 PM
- HIST 615/LAW 615H: Medieval English Law. L.R. Poos. Th 2:10-4:40
- HIST 622B/LSC 846: Discovering Medieval DC: A Digital Humanities Approach to Public History. Jennifer Davis and Laura Morreale. M 3:40-6:10.
- HIST 609: Medieval Civilization 1: Historiography of the Early Middle Ages. Jennifer Davis. W 2:10-4:40.
- LAT 561: Introduction to Medieval Latin Studies. Fabio Pagani. TuTh 11:10-12:25PM
- LAT 585: Augustine’s Confessions. William Klingshirn. TuTh 2:10 -3:25 PM
- PHIL 627: Aquinas and His Arabic Sources. Nathaniel Taylor. M 12:40-3:10.
- SEM 531: Introduction to Syriac. Nathan Tilley. MWF 11:10-12:00.
- SEM 631: Syriac Literature. Nathan Tilley. MW 2:10-3:25
- SEM 681: Introduction to Coptic Studies. Janet Timbie. MW 3:40-4:55
- SEM 741: Seminar in Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 9:40-10:55 AM
- SEM 743: Reading in Garshuni Texts. Shawqi Talia . TuTh 3:40- 4:55 PM
- SEM 744: Seminar in Christian Arabic Texts. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 2:10 -3:25 PM
- SEM 781: Readings in Coptic. Janet Timbie. TuTh 11:10-12:25
- SEM 804: Basic Classical Armenian. Monica Blanchard. MW 3:40-4:55
- SEM 807: Basic Old Georgian. Monica Blanchard. TuTh 3:40-4:55
- TRS 622/TRS722A: Ancient and Medieval Church History. Susan Wessel. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 723C: Topics in Greek Patristics I (Seminar). Robin Darling Young. Tu 2:10PM - 4:40PM
- TRS 727C: Bonaventure, Parisian Master. Joshua Benson W 2:10-4:40
- TRS 748A: Byzantine Divine Liturgy. Stefanos Alexopoulos. W 2:10-4:40
- TRS 835: Moral Theology of St. Thomas. David Elliot. Th 2:10PM - 4:40PM
- TRS 845: Sources of the Ordo Missae. Michael Witczak. W 9:40 am-12:10 pm
Spring 2024
Undergraduate courses:
- ANTH 108: Introduction to Archeology. Joshua Samuels. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- ART 216: Introduction to Crusader Art and Archaeology. Justin Mann. F 9:40-12:10.
- ECST 315: Spiritual Athletes: Monks and Martyrs in Early Christianity. Nathan Tilley. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- ENG 356: Arthurian Literature: Welsh Myth to Modern Film. Megan Murton. TuTh 2:10-3:25
- HIST 200: Blood Feuds, Bishop-Saints, and a Sea Monster: The Merovingian Kingdoms. Jennifer Davis. MWF 11:10-12:00.
- HIST 142: Mongol Empire. Lev Weitz. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- HIST 309: Rise of Islam. Lev Weitz. TuTh 12:40-1:55.
- HIST 312: Medieval Japan. L.R. Poos. TueThu 2:10-3:25.
- HIST 349B: Discovering Medieval DC: Digital Humanities. Jennifer Davis and Laura Morreale. M 3:40-6:10.
- HSHU 102: From Charlemagne to Chaucer. Jennifer Davis. MW 2:10-3:25.
- ITAL 213: The Three Crowns of Italian Literature and Culture: Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio. Kenise G. Lyons. MW 3:40-4:55.
- PHIL 354-01: History of Medieval Philosophy. TBA. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- PHIL 354-02: History of Medieval Philosophy. TBA. TuTh 11:10-12:55.
- PHIL 356: Metaphysics II. Gregory T. Doolan. MW 2:10-3:25.
- SEM 247: Classical Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 324B: Mary in the History of Christianity. Robin Darling-Young. MW 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 344: Spiritualities and Liturgies of the Eastern Churches. Fr. Stefanos Alexopoulos. MW 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 427MJ: Christian Traditions. Robin Darling-Young. MW 12:40-1:55.
Graduate courses:
- ART 516: Introduction to Crusader Art and Archaeology. Justin Mann. F 9:40-12:10.
- ENG 725: Readings in Medieval English Literature. Lilla Kopár. Tu 2:10-4:40.
- GL 757: Introduction to Paleography and Textual Criticism. Fabio Pagani. MW 5:10-6:25.
- HIST 622B: Discovering Medieval DC: A Digital Humanities Approach to Public History. Jennifer Davis, Laura Morreale. M 3:40-6:10. (cross-listed with LSC 846).
- PHIL 515: Before Printing: The Establishment and Transmission of Ancient and Medieval Philosophical Texts. Therese-Anne Duart. M 12:40-2:40.
- PHIL 651: Aquinas on Law & Practical Reason. Robert Hittinger. Tu 9:40-12:10.
- PHIL 797: Metaphysics of John Duns Scotus. Timothy Noone. Th 9:40-12:10.
- SEM 546: Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. Th 8:10-10:40.
- SEM 547: Classical Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- SEM 682: Introduction to Coptic Studies. Janet Timbie. MW 3:40-4:55.
- SEM 744: Reading in Christian Arabic Texts and Grammar. Shawqi Talia. Th 12:40-3:10.
- SEM 782: Readings in Coptic. Janet Timbie. TuTh 12:40-1:55.
- TRS 620: Introduction to Patristic Theology. Thomas Clemmons. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- TRS 727B: Survey of Greek Patristics and the Ecumenical Councils. Susan Wessel. Th 9:40-12:10.
Fall 2023
Undergraduate courses:
(A) History and Social Structures
- CLAS 261: Heroes of the Middle Ages. Fabio Pagani. TuTh 3:40-4:55.
- HIST 235: The Medieval World. Jennifer Davis. MWF 11:10-12:00.
- HIST 316: England after the Black Death. L.R. Poos. MW 11:10-12:25.
- HIST 330B: The Crusades: Holy War and Jihad. Jennifer Paxton. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- HSHU 101: Jesus to Mohammad. Thomas Clemmons. TuTh 9:40-10:55. {for Honors Students only}.
(B) Thought and Worship
- POL 359: Ancient and Medieval Political Thought. David Walsh. Tu 2:10-4:40.
(C) Cultural and Artistic Expressions
- ART 211: History of Art I: Prehistory to Middle Ages. Justin Mann. TuTh 12:40-1:55.
- ART 335: Global Medieval Art: Artistic Capitals and Exchange. Tiffany L. Hunt. MW 12:40-1:55.
- ENG 351: Chaucer and His Age I. Megan Murton. TuTh 2:10-3:25.
- ENG 355: Medieval Monsters. Lilla Kopár. MW 3:40-4:55.
- MUS 325: History of Music I. Andrew Weaver. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
Approved Electives
- LAT 461 Introduction to Medieval Latin Studies. Fabio Pagani. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- SEM 531: Introduction to Syriac I. Monica Blanchard. MWF 12:40-1:30.
Graduate courses:
Graduate courses
- CLAS 572: The Mediterranean World of Late Antiquity. William E. Klingshirn. TuTh 2:10-3:25.*
- HIST 694: Medieval Islam and Eastern Christianity. Lev Weitz. M 3:40-6:10
- LAT 561/461 Introduction to Medieval Latin Studies. Fabio Pagani. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- PHIL 816-01: Confessions of St. Augustine. Kevin White. M 3:40-6:10.
- SEM 531: Introduction to Syriac I. Monica Blanchard. MWF 12:40-1:30.
- SEM 545: Classical Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 8:10- 9:25.
- SEM 741: Seminar in Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- SEM 743: Reading in Garshuni Texts. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 3:40- 4:55.
- SEM 744: Seminar in Christian Arabic Texts. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 2:10 -3:25.
- SEM 803: Basic Classical Armenian. Monica Blanchard. TuTh 3:40-4:55.
- TRS 650C: Eastern Spirituality. Robin Darling Young. W 2:10-4:40.
- TRS 720A: Life and Thought of St Augustine. Thomas Clemmons. Th 2:10-4:40.
- TRS 727: Introduction to Medieval Theology. Joshua C. Benson. Tu 2:10-4:40.
- TRS 742: The Liturgical Year. Stefanos Alexopoulos. W 2:10-4:40.
- TRS 754F: The Carmelite Tradition: Beginnings to 1500. TBD. F 2:10-4:40.
- TRS 843A: Constantinople: The City and Its Liturgy. Stefanos Alexopoulos. Tu 2:10-4:40.
Courses offered in previous semesters
Spring 2023
Spring 2022
Undergraduate Courses
(A) History and Social Structures
- HIST 309: The Rise of Islam. Lev Weitz. MW 2:20-3:25.
- HIST 312: Medieval Japan. L.R. Poos. TuTh 12.40-1:55.
- HIST 340A/639A: Mapping History. L.R. Poos. Th 5:10-7:40.
- HIST 410: Seminar: Persecution and Tolerance in the Medieval Mediterranean. Lev Weitz. Tu 2:10:4:40. {Dept. approval required}.
- HSHU 102: From Charlemagne to Chaucer. TBA. TuTh 12:40-1:55. {For Honors students only}.
(B) Thought and Worship
- PHIL 354.01: History of Medieval Philosophy. Kevin White. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- PHIL 354.02: History of Medieval Philosophy. Kevin White. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- PHIL 356: Metaphysics II [Thomas Aquinas]. Gregory Doolan. MW 2:10–3:25.
- TRS 367: Theology of the Patristic Period. TBA. TuTh 3:40-4:55.
(C) Cultural and Artistic Expressions
- ATH 108: Introduction to Archaeology. Laura Masur. MW 11:10-12:25.
- ENG 352: Chaucer and His Age II. Lilla Kopár. WF 11:10-12:25.
- SEM 247/547: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:40-1:30.
- SEM 546: Readings in Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 8:10-9:25.
Approved Electives
- HSPH 204: Ultimate Questions. Herbert Hartmann. TR 9:40-10:55.
- SEM 242/542: Introduction to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30.
- SEM 532: Introduction to Syriac II. Monica Blanchard. MWF 12:40-1:30.
Graduate Courses
- ENG 754: Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales. Megan Murton. M 12:40-3:10.
- HIST 610: Medieval Civilization II: Historiographical Problems. Katherine L. Jansen. Tu 3:40-6:10.
- HIST 639A: Mapping History. L.R. Poos. Th 5:10-7:40.
- LAT 705: Patristic Seminar: Prudentius. William McCarthy. MWF 5:10-6:00.
- PHIL 602: History of Medieval Philosophy. Kevin White. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- PHIL 703: Dante and Philosophy. Kevin White. Th 4:20-6:20.
- PHIL 766: Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas II. Msgr. John Wippel. Th 10:00-12:00.
- SEM 532: Introduction to Syriac II. Monica Blanchard. MWF 12:40-1:30.
- SEM 542: Introduction to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30.
- SEM 546: Readings in Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 8:10-9:25.
- SEM 547: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:40-1:30.
- SEM 632: Syriac Literature. Aaron Butts. MW 11:10-12:25.
- SEM 652: Readings in Classical Ethiopic. Aaron Butts. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 666: Theology of God. Nicholas Lombardo. WF 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 721E: Survey of Latin Patristics II [6th to 8th c.]. Thomas Clemmons. Tu 2:10-4:40.
- TRS 735B: Aquinas on the Formation in Virtue. D. Elliot. Tu 12:40-3:10.
- TRS 748: Rational Worship? An Analysis of Byzantine Liturgy. Peter Galadza. WF 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 843A: Constantinople: The City and Its Liturgy. Stefanos Alexopoulos. W 2:10-4:40.
- TRS 867D: Aquinas on the Incarnation and Passion of Christ. William Loewe. Thu 2:10-4:40.
Fall 2022
Undergraduate Courses
(A) History and Social Structures
- HIST 235: The Medieval World. Katherine L. Jansen. MWF 11:10-12:00.
- HIST 315: The Fall of Rome. Jennifer Davis. MW 2:10-3:25.
- HIST 322: Tudor England: Tyrants and Vagabonds. L.R. Poos. MW 12:40-1:55.
- HIST 380A: Medieval Ireland to 1607. Jennifer Paxton. MWF 3:40-4:30
- HSHU 101: Jesus to Muhammad. Thomas Clemmons. TuTh 9:40-10:55. {For UHP students only}.
(B) Thought and Worship
- PHIL 354.01: History of Medieval Philosophy. Kevin White. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- PHIL 354.02: History of Medieval Philosophy. Kevin White. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- PHIL 356: Metaphysics II [Thomas Aquinas]. Gregory Doolan. MW 2:10–3:25.
- TRS 367: Theology of the Patristic Period. TBA. TuTh 3:40-4:55.
(C) Cultural and Artistic Expressions
- ATH 108: Introduction to Archaeology. Laura Masur. MW 11:10-12:25.
- ENG 352: Chaucer and His Age II. Lilla Kopár. WF 11:10-12:25.
- SEM 247/547: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:40-1:30.
- SEM 546: Readings in Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 8:10-9:25.
- HSPH 204: Ultimate Questions. Herbert Hartmann. TR 9:40-10:55.
- SEM 242/542: Introduction to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30.
- SEM 532: Introduction to Syriac II. Monica Blanchard. MWF 12:40-1:30.
Graduate Courses
- ENG 754: Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales. Megan Murton. M 12:40-3:10.
- HIST 610: Medieval Civilization II: Historiographical Problems. Katherine L. Jansen. Tu 3:40-6:10.
- HIST 639A: Mapping History. L.R. Poos. Th 5:10-7:40.
- LAT 705: Patristic Seminar: Prudentius. William McCarthy. MWF 5:10-6:00.
- PHIL 602: History of Medieval Philosophy. Kevin White. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- PHIL 703: Dante and Philosophy. Kevin White. Th 4:20-6:20.
- PHIL 766: Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas II. Msgr. John Wippel. Th 10:00-12:00.
- SEM 532: Introduction to Syriac II. Monica Blanchard. MWF 12:40-1:30.
- SEM 542: Introduction to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30.
- SEM 546: Readings in Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 8:10-9:25.
- SEM 547: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:40-1:30.
- SEM 632: Syriac Literature. Aaron Butts. MW 11:10-12:25.
- SEM 652: Readings in Classical Ethiopic. Aaron Butts. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 666: Theology of God. Nicholas Lombardo. WF 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 721E: Survey of Latin Patristics II [6th to 8th c.]. Thomas Clemmons. Tu 2:10-4:40.
- TRS 735B: Aquinas on the Formation in Virtue. D. Elliot. Tu 12:40-3:10.
- TRS 748: Rational Worship? An Analysis of Byzantine Liturgy. Peter Galadza. WF 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 843A: Constantinople: The City and Its Liturgy. Stefanos Alexopoulos. W 2:10-4:40.
- TRS 867D: Aquinas on the Incarnation and Passion of Christ. William Loewe. Thu 2:10-4:40.
Fall 2021
Undergraduate Courses
(A) History and Social Structures
- CLAS 572: Mediterranean World of Late Antiquity. William Klingshirn. TuTh 2:10-3:25.
- HIST 235: The Medieval World. Katherine L. Jansen. MWF 11:10-12:00.
- HIST 330B: The Crusades: Holy War and Jihad. Jennifer Paxton. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- HSHU 101: Jesus to Muhammad: The Early Christians in the Mediterranean World. Thomas Clemmons. TuTh 9:40-10:55. {For Honors students only}.
(B) Thought and Worship
- TRS 270: Lives of the Saints. Joshua Benson. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 290: World Religions. W. Valkenberg. TuTh 3:40-4:55.
- TRS 344: Spiritualities and Liturgies of the Eastern Churches. Fr. Stefanos Alexopoulos. MW 2:10-3:25.
(C) Cultural and Artistic Expressions
- ENG 312: Norse Mythology. Lilla Kopár. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- ENG 351: Chaucer and His Age I. Megan Murton. MW 2:10-3:25.
- MUS 325: History of Music I. Andy Weaver. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- SEM 545: Readings in Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. TBA.
Approved Electives
- LAT 461/561: Introduction to Medieval Latin Studies. Fabio Pagani. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- PHIL 515: Before Printing: The Establishment and Transmission of Ancient and Medieval Philosophical Texts. Therese Druart. Sept. 7-10, 12:00-2:00. [1 credit]
- SEM 541: Introduction to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30.
Graduate Courses
- CLAS 572: Mediterranean World of Late Antiquity. William Klingshirn. TuTh 2:10-3:25.
- ENG 621: History of the English Language. Lilla Kopár. Tu 2:10-4:40.
- HIST 847/LAT 751: Latin Sources of Late Medieval History (Diplomatics). L.R. Poos. Tu 5:10-7:40.
- LAT 561: Introduction to Medieval Latin Studies. Fabio Pagani. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- PHIL 515: Before Printing: The Establishment and Transmission of Ancient and Medieval Philosophical Texts. Therese Druart. Sept. 7-10, 12:00-2:00. [1 credit]
- PHIL 881: Aquinas on the Divine Ideas. Gregory T. Doolan. F 12:00–2:00.
- SEM 541: Introduction to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30.
- SEM 545: Readings in Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. TBA.
- SEM 631: Syriac Literature. Aaron Butts. TuTh 3:40-4:55.
- SEM 651: Readings in Classical Ethiopic. Aaron Butts. TuTh 2:10-3:25.
- SEM 743: Seminar in Garshuni Texts. Shawqi Talia. TBA.
- SEM 751: Old South Arabian. Aaron Butts. ThTh 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 622/TRS 722A: Ancient and Medieval Church History. Susan Wessel. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 720D: Augustine: The Confessions. Thomas Clemmons. Tu 2:10-4:40.
- TRS 727C: Bonaventure, Parisian Master: Context, Texts, Interpretation. Joshua Benson. Th 2:10-4:40.
- TRS 742A: The Liturgical Year. Fr. Stefanos Alexopoulos. W 9:40-12:10.
- TRS 754F: The Carmelite Tradition: Beginnings to 1500. S. Payne. F 9:40-12:10.
Spring 2021
Undergraduate Courses
(A) History and Social Structures
- HSHU 102: From Charlemagne to Chaucer. Carol Anderson. TuTh 12:40-1:55. {For Honors students only}.
- HIST 309: The Rise of Islam. Lev Weitz. MW 3:40-4:55.
- HIST 323: The Renaissance, 1300-1530. Nelson Minnich. TuTh 3:40-4:55.
- HIST 419: Genghis Khan: World Destroyer or Civilization Builder? Lev Weitz. Tu 3:40-6:10.
(B) Thought and Worship
- PHIL 354.01: History of Medieval Philosophy. Tobias Hoffmann. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- PHIL 354.02: History of Medieval Philosophy. Tobias Hoffmann. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- PHIL 356.01: Metaphysics [of St. Thomas Aquinas] II. Gregory T. Doolan. MW 12:40-1:55.
- PHIL 356.02: Metaphysics [of St. Thomas Aquinas] II. Gregory T. Doolan. MW 2:10-3:55.
- TRS 367A: Unity and Diversity: Theology in the Middle Ages. R. Keller. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
(C) Cultural and Artistic Expressions
- ANTH 321: Historical Archeology. Laura Masur. MW 11:10-12:25.
- ART 335/533: Art and Architecture of the Medieval World. Örgü Dalgic. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- ENG 352: Chaucer and His Age II. Lilla Kopár. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
Appoved Electives
- SEM 532: Intro to Syriac II. Monica Blanchard. MWF 12:40-1:30 {Prerequisite: SEM 531 or equivalent}.
- SEM 242/542: Intro to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30.
- SEM 546: Readings in Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 8:10-9:25.
- SEM 247/547: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:40-1:30.
- GK 433/533: Greek Paleography. Fabio Pagani. TuTh 2:10-3:25.
Graduate Courses
- ART 533: Art and Architecture of the Medieval World. Örgü Dalgic. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- GK 533: Greek Paleography. Fabio Pagani. TuTh 2:10-3:25.
- HIST 633A: The Creation of the Middle Ages by the Early Modern World. Caroline Sherman. Th 5:10-7:40.
- HIST 679: Latin Hagiography of the Later Middle Ages. Katherine L. Jansen. Tu 3:40-6:10.
- PHIL 602: History of Medieval Philosophy. Tobias Hoffmann. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- PHIL 763: God, World, & Soul in Classical Islamic Philosophy. Stephen Ogden. W 12:00-2:00.
- PHIL 791: The Thought of William of Ockham. Timothy Noone. M 12:00-2:00.
- SEM 532: Intro to Syriac II. Monica Blanchard. MWF 12:40-1:30. [Prerequisite: SEM 531 or equivalent]
- SEM 542/242: Intro to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30.
- SEM 546: Readings in Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 8:10-9:25.
- SEM 547/247: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:40-1:30.
- SEM 632: Syriac Literature II. Jeremy Brown. MW 2:10-3:25. [Prerequisite: SEM 531-532 or equivalent]
- SEM 652: Readings in Ethiopic II. Jeremy Brown. MW 12:40-1:55. [Prerequisite: SEM 551 and 552 or equivalent]
- SEM 703: History of the Christian Near East. Janet Timbie & Jeremy Brown. MW 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 620: Introduction to Patristic Theology. Robin Darling Young. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 727G: Medieval Exegesis. Joshua Benson. Th 2:10-4:40.
- TRS 744 : Eucharist: A Liturgical Theology. Michael Witczak. F 9:40-12:10.
Fall 2020
Undergraduate Courses
(A) History and Social Structures
- HIST 235: Medieval World. Katherine L. Jansen. MWF 11:10-12:00.
- HIST 330B: The Crusades: Holy War & Jihad. Jennifer Paxton. MW 3:40-4:55.
- HIST 340A: Mapping History. L.R. Poos. M 5:10-7:40.
- HIST 418: The Year 1000. Jennifer Davis. Th 3:40-6:10. {Open to History Majors/Minors only}.
(B) Thought and Worship
- PHIL 335: Islamic Political Philosophy. Stephen Ogden. TuTh 2:10-3:25.
- TRS 240: Christian Liturgy Prayer Sacrament. Kevin Fritts. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
(C) Cultural and Artistic Expressions
- ART 211: History of Art: Pre-History to the Middle Ages. Heather N. Turnbow. MW 9:40-10:55.
- ENG 355: Medieval Monsters. Lilla Kopár. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- ENG 351: Chaucer and His Age I: The Canterbury Tales. Megan Murton. MW 12:40-1:55.
Appoved Electives
- LAT 461: Introduction to Medieval Latin Studies. Fabio Pagani. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- LAT 476: Roman Philosophical Works: Cicero, De Diviatione. William Klingshirn. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- SEM 545: Arabic Literature I. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 8:10-9:25.
Graduate Courses
- ENG 501: Introduction to Old English. Lilla Kopár. Th 11:10-1:40.
- GR 590: Byzantine Greek Literature. Fabio Pagani. TuTh 2:10-3:25.
- GR 655: Survey of Greek Literature. William J. McCarthy. MWF 12:40-1:30.
- GR 705: Greek Patristic Seminar. William J. McCarthy. MWF 5:10-6:00.
- HIST 639A: Mapping History. L.R. Poos. M 5:10-7:40.
- HIST 640: Late Medieval England. L.R. Poos Th 5:10-7:40.
- HIST 823A: History Writing in the Early Middle Ages. Jennifer Davis. T 3:40-6:10. {Reading knowledge of Latin required}.
- LAT 511: Latin Prose Composition. John Petruccione. MWF 3:40-4:30.
- LAT 561: Medieval Latin. Fabio Pagani. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- LAT 576: Roman Philosophical Works: Cicero, De Diviatione. William Klingshirn. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- PHIL 635: Islamic Political Philosophy. Steve Ogden. TuTh 3:40-4:55.
- PHIL 754: The Problem of Evil in Neoplatonic Philosophy. Matthias Vorwerk. W 12:00-2:00.
- PHIL 765: Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas I. Msgr. John Wippel. Th 2:10-4:10.
- PHIL 921: Aquinas on the Categories of Being. TBA. Th 4:20-6:20.
- SEM 631: Syriac Literature I. Jeremy Brown. MW 2:10-3:25. {Prereq. SEM 531, SEM 532 or equivalent}.
- SEM 651: Readings in Classical Ethiopic I. Jeremy Brown. MW 9:40-10:55. {Prereq. SEM 551 and 552 or equivalent}.
- SEM 753: Seminar in Classical Ethiopic. Jeremy Brown. MW 11:10-12:25. {Prereq. SEM 651 and 652 or equivalent}.
- TRS 650C: Eastern Spirituality. Robin D. Young. W 9:40-12:10.
- TRS 747A: Liturgical Cult of the Saints. Michael Witczak. Tu 2:10-4:40.
- TRS 846: Liturgical Celebration of the Word of God. Michael Witczak. Th 2:10-4:40.
Spring 2020
Undergraduate Courses
(A) History and Social Structures
- HIST 309: The Rise of Islam. Lev Weitz. WF 2:10-3:25.
- HIST 315: The Fall of Rome. Jennifer Davis. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- HSHU 102: From Charlemagne to Chaucer. Jennifer Davis. TuTh 2:10-3:25. {For Honors students only}.
(B) Thought and Worship
- PHIL 354.01: History of Medieval Philosophy. Stephen Ogden. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- PHIL 354.02: History of Medieval Philosophy. Stephen Ogden. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- PHIL 356.01: Metaphysics II. Tobias Hoffmann. MW 12:40-1:55.
- PHIL 356.02: Metaphysics II. Tobias Hoffmann. MW 2:10-3:25.
- TRS 329: Martyrdom in the Christian Traditions: Antiquity to the Present. Robin Darling Young. TuTh 2:10-3:25.
(C) Cultural and Artistic Expressions
- ART 310/CLAS 319: Introduction to Early Christian Art and Archeology. Heather Turnbow. MW 11:10-12:25.
- ENG 352: Chaucer and His Age II. Megan Murton. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
Approved Electives
- LAT 104B: Augustine and Aquinas. John Petruccione. MWF 3:40-4:30.
- SEM 247: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:40-1:30.
- SEM 546: Arabic Literature II. Shawki Talia. TuTh 8:10-9:25.
Graduate Courses
- ENG 742: Religion and Literature in Late-Medieval England. Megan Murton. Th 2:10-4:40.
- GR 645: History of the Greek Language. William McCarthy. MWF 3:40-4:30.
- HIST 610: Medieval Civilization II. Katherine L. Jansen. M 3:40-6:10.
- HIST 612A: Archaeology for the Medieval Historian. Jennifer Davis. Th3:40-6:10.
- HIST 615H: Medieval English Law. L.R. Poos. M 6:40-9:10.
- HIST 694: Medieval Islam and Eastern Christianity. Lev Weitz. F 11:10-1:40.
- LAT 504B: Augustine and Aquinas. John Petruccione. MWF 3:40-4:30.
- LAT 705: Patristic Seminar: commentary on Latin Hymnody. Sr. Maria Kiely. MF 11:10-12:25.
- PHIL 602: History of Medieval Philosophy. Stephen Ogden. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- PHIL 747: Plotinus. Matthias Vorwerk. W 12:00-2:00.
- PHIL 787: Avicenna, Averroes, and Aquinas on Intellect. Stephen Ogden. Tu 4:20-6:20.
- PHIL 791: The Thought of William of Ockham. Timothy Noone. M 4:20-6:20.
- PHIL 836: Thomas Aquinas on the Devine Nature (Summa contra Gentiles I). Fr. John Wippel. Th 4:20-6:20.
- SEM 546: Arabic Literature II. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 8:10-9:25.
- SEM 547: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:40-1:30.
- SEM 642: Syriac Literature. Jeremy Brown. MW 2:10-3:25.
- SEM 782: Readings in Coptic. Janet Timbie. TuTh 12:40-1:55.
- SEM 804: Readings in Classical Armenian. Monica Blanchard. TuTh 5:10-6:25.
- TRS 620.01: Intro to Patristic Theology. Thomas Clemmons. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- TRS 620.02: Intro to Patristic Theology. Thomas Clemmons. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 640.1: Foundations of Litergy and Sacramental Theology. Stefanos Alexopoulos. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
Fall 2019
Undergraduate courses:
(A) Hisory and Social Structures
- HIST 150: The Crusades. Jennifer Paxton. MW 3:40-4:55.
- HIST 235: Medieval World. Katherine L. Jansen. MWF 2:10-3:00.
- HIST 313: Charlemagne and the Birth of Europe. Jennifer Davis. MW 2:10-3:25.
- HIST 316: England after the Black Death. L.R. Poos. TuTh 12:40-1:55.
- HSHU 101: Jesus to Muhammad. William Klingshirn. TuTh 11:10-12:25. [For Honors students only.]
(B) Thought and Worship
- TRS 220: The Church Through the Ages: Paul to Luther. TBA. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- TRS 324B: Mary in the History of Christianity. Robin Darling Young. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
(C) Cultural and Artistic Expressions
- ENG 341: Beowulf & Friends. Lilla Kopár. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- ENG 321: Chaucer and His Age I. Megan Murton. WF 3:40-4:55.
- MUS 325: History or Music I. Sara Pecknold. TuTh 11:10-12:25. [Prereq. MUS 123, 124]
- SEM 545: Readings in Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 8:10-9:25.
Approved electives
- LAT 561: Introduction to Medieval latin Studies. Carin Ruff. MF 12:40-1:55.
- SEM 241/SEM 541: Introduction to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30.
- SEM 531: Introduction to Classial Syriac I. Monica Blanchard. MWF 12:40-1:30.
Graduate courses:
- ECST 600: Introduction to Early Christian Studies. William Klingshirn. Th 2:10-4:40.
- ENG 725: Readings in Medieval English Literature. Lilla Kopár. Th 11:10-1:40.
- GR 705: Patristic Seminar: Origen. William McCarthy. MWF 2:10-3:00.
- HIST 609: Medieval Civilization I: The Historiography of the Early Middle Ages. Jennifer Davis. M 3:40-6:10
- LAT 561: Introduction to Medieval Latin Studies. Carin Ruff. MF 12:40-1:55.
- PHIL 760: Duns Scotus's Ethics. Tobias Hoffmann. Tu 6:30-8:30.
- PHIL 816: Confessions of St. Augustine. Kevin White. M 6:30-8:30.
- PHIL 842: Thomas Aquinas Speaks of God. Msgr. John Wippel. Th 4:20-6:20.
- SEM 531: Introduction to Classical Syriac I. Monica Blanchard. MWF 12:40-1:30.
- SEM 541/SEM 241: Introduction to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30.
- SEM 545: Readings in Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 8:10-9:25.
- SEM 743: Seminar in Garshuni Texts (Christian Arabic in Syriac script). Shawqi Talia. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- SEM 803: Basic Classical Armenian. Monica Blanchard. TuTh 5:10-6:25.
- TRS 622/TRS 722A: Ancient and Medieval Church History. Susan Wessel. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 743E: Liturgies of Christian Marriage. Michael Witczak. M 9:40-12:10.
- TRS 846: Liturgies of Death and Dying. Michael Witczak. W 9:40-12:10.
Spring 2019
Undergraduate courses:
- MDST 496B: Senior Seminar. TBA.
(A) History and Social Structures
- CLAS 472/ECST 472: Mediterranean World of Late Antiquity. William Klingshirn. TuTh 2:10-3:25.
- HIST 217/ENG 317: The Vikings. Jennifer Davis & Lilla Kopár. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- HIST 318A: Rome in the Age of Dante. Katherine L. Jansen. Th 9:00-12:00. (Taught at CUA Rome Campus)
- HIST 318B: Renaissance Rome. Katherine L. Jansen. W 4:00-7:00. (Taught at CUA Rome Campus)
- HSHU 102: From Charlemagne to Chaucer. Jennifer Davis. TuTh 3:40-4:55. (Honors students only)
(B) Thought and Worship
- PHIL 354.01: History of Medieval Philosophy. Tobias Hoffmann. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- PHIL 354.02: History of Medieval Philosophy. Tobias Hoffmann. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- PHIL 356.01: Metaphysics II (Aquinas). Gregory Doolan. MW 12:40-1:55.
- PHIL 356.02: Metaphysics II (Aquinas). Gregory Doolan. MW 2:10-3:25.
- TRS 240: Christian Prayer, Liturgy and Sacraments. Stefanos Alexopoulos. TuTh 3:40-4:55.
(C) Cultural and Artistic Expressions
- ENG 232: Chaucer and His Age II. Megan Murton. WF 9:40-10:55.
- ENG 317/HIST 217: The Vikings. Jennifer Davis & Lilla Kopár. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- ENG 431: Chaucer and the Chaucer Tradition. Megan Murton. Th 2:10-4:40.
- SEM 247/547: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:40-1:30.
Approved electives
- HIST 516: Digital Approaches to Medieval History. Laura Morreale. TuTh 12:40-1:55.
- SEM 546: Arabic Literature II. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 8:10-9:25.
Graduate courses:
- CLAS 572: Mediterranean World of Late Antiquity. William Klingshirn. TuTh 2:10-3:25.
- HIST 516: Digital Approaches to Medieval History. Laura Morreale. TuTh 12:40-1:55.
- HIST 634: Britain 1300-1600. L.R. Poos. M 5:10-7:40.
- LAT 705: Latin Patristics: Hymnody. John Petruccione. TuTh 5:10-6:25.
- LAT 733: Latin Paleography. Fabio Pagani. TuTh 3:40-4:55.
- PHIL 515: Before Printing: The Establishment and Transmission of Ancient and Medieval Philosophical Texts. Thérèse Druart. Tu 10:00-12:00, every other week. (One credit only)
- PHIL 703: Dante and Philosophy. Kevin White. M 5:00-7:00.
- PHIL 766: Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas II. John Wippel. Th 4:10-6:10.
- PHIL 788: Medieval Epistemology: The Thirteenth Century. Timothy Noone. W 4:20-6:20.
- PHIL 870: Avicenna's Metaphysics. Thérèse Druart. F 12:00-2:00.
- PHIL 929: Aquinas's Commentary on the Boethius's De hebdomadibus. Gregory Doolan. Tu 4:00-6:00.
- SEM 546: Arabic Literature II. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 8:10-9:25.
- SEM 547/247: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:40-1:30.
- SEM 632: Syriac Literature. Aaron Butts. MW 3:40-4:55.
- SEM 651: Ethiopic Seminar: Translations from Arabic. Aaron Butts. MW 2:10-3:25.
- SEM 733: Editing Texts: Christian Near East. Aaron Butts. MW 11:10-12:25.
- SEM 741: Arabic Seminar. Shawqi Talia. Tu 11:10-2:00.
- TRS 640.01: Foundations of Liturgy and Sacraments. Stefanos Alexopoulos. TuTh 11:10-12:25
- TRS 640.02: Foundations of Liturgy and Sacraments. Stefanos Alexopoulos. TuTh 2:10-3:25
- TRS 744: Eucharist: A Liturgical Theology. Michael Witczak. W 12:40-3:10.
Fall 2018
Undergraduate courses:
- MDST 496A: Senior Seminar. TBA.
(A) History and Social Structures
- HIST 235: Medieval World. Katherine L. Jansen MWF 2:10-3:00.
- HIST 322: Tudor England: Tyrants and Vagabonds. L.R. Poos. TuTh 12:40-1:55 pm.
- HIST 340A: Mapping History. L.R. Poos. Th 5:10-7:40 pm.
- HSHU 101: Jesus to Muhammad: The Early Christians in the Mediterranean World. William Klingshirn. TuTh 2:10-3:25. [For Honors students only.]
(B) Thought and Worship
- TRS 220: Church Through the Ages: Paul to Luther. Susan Wessel. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- TRS 324B: Mary in the History of Christianity. Robin Darling Young. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 344: Liturgies of Eastern Churches. Stefanos Alexopoulos. M-W 11:10-12:25.
(C) Cultural and Artistic Expressions
- CLAS 271: Florence and Rome at the Dawn of the Renaissance. Fabio Pagani. TuTh 2:10-3:25.
- ENG 312: Norse Mythology. Lilla Kopár. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- ENG 351: Chaucer and His Age I (Canterbury Tales). Megan Murton. MW 9:40-10:55.
- SEM 545: Readings in Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 8:10-9:25.
Approved electives
- SEM 331/531: Introduction to Syriac I. Monica Blanchard MWF 12:40pm-1:30pm.
- SEM 541/SEM 241: Introduction to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30.
Graduate courses:
- ENG 621: History of the English Language. Lilla Kopár. Tu 2:10-4:40.
- GR 705: Patristic Seminar: Origen, Contra Celsum. William McCarthy. MWF 3:40-4:30.
- HIST 639A: Mapping History. L.R. Poos. Th 5:10-7:40 pm.
- HIST 648: Constructing the Past in the First Millennium: Comparisons East and West. Antoine Borrut (UMD) and Jennifer Davis. Th 3:40-6:10. [Offered under the auspices of the First Millennium Network, this course, jointly taught by faculty from CUA and UMD, will alternate campuses.]
- HIST 679: Latin Hagiography of the Later Middle Ages. Katherine L. Jansen. Tu 2:10-4:40. [Basic knowledge of Latin required.]
- HIST 844A: Medieval Kingship. Jennifer Davis. W 9:40-12:10. [Reading knowledge of Latin required.]
- LAT 561: Introduction to Medieval Latin. Fabio Pagani. TuTh 5:10-6:25.
- PHIL 754: The Problem of Evil in Neoplatonic Philosophy. Matthias Vorwerk. F 12:00-2:00 pm.
- PHIL 759: Medieval and Contemporary Theories of Free Will. Tobias Hoffmann. W 12:00-2:00.
- PHIL 765: Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas I. John Wippel. Th 4:10-6:10.
- PHIL 767: Aquinas on Infused and Acquired Virtue. Angela Knobel. Tu 10-12.
- PHIL 787: Averroes and Aquinas on the Intellect. Stephen Ogden. Th 11:50-1:50.
- SEM 331/531: Introduction to Syriac I. Monica Blanchard MWF 12:40-1:30.
- SEM 541/SEM 241: Introduction to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30.
- SEM 545: Readings in Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 8:10-9:25.
- SEM 631: Syriac Literature. Aaron Butts. MW 3:40-4:55. [Prerequisite: knowledge of Syriac.]
- SEM 651: Readings in Classical Ethiopic. Aaron Butts. MW 2:10-3:25. [Prerequisite: knowledge of Ethiopic.]
- SEM 681: Introduction to Coptic Studies. Janet Timbie. MWF 3:40-4:30.
- SEM 743: Seminar in Garshuni Texts (Christian Arabic Texts written in Syriac script). Shawqi Talia. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- SEM 781: Readings in Coptic. Janet Timbie. TuTh 3:40-4:55.
- TRS 622/722A: Ancient and Medieval Church History. Susan Wessel. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 650C: Eastern Spirituality. Robin Darling Young. W 9:40-12:10.
- TRS 747A: The Cult of the Saints in Liturgical Practice. Michael Witczak. M 2:10-4:40.
- TRS 843: Constantinople: The City and Its Liturgy. Stefanos Alexopoulos. W 2:10-4:40.
Spring 2018
Undergraduate courses:
- MDST 201/HIST 201/ENG 250: Medieval Pathways. Lilla Kopár, Jennifer Paxton, Justin Novotny. M 12:40-1:55 and W 12:40-3:10 [extended sessions for off-campus field trips only]
- MDST 496B: Senior Seminar. TBA.
(A) History and Social Structures
- HIST 312: Medieval Japan. L.R. Poos. TuTh 12:40-1:55.
- HIST 313A: Charlemagne and the Birth of Europe. Jennifer Davis. MW 3:40-4:55.
- HIST 413: Junior Seminar: Crime in England 1200-1800. L.R. Poos. Tu 3:40-6:10.
- HSHU 102: From Charlemagne to Chaucer. Jennifer Davis. MW 2:10-3:25. (Honors students only)
(B) Thought and Worship
- PHIL 354-01: History of Medieval Philosophy. Thérèse-Anne Druart. TuTh 9:40-10-55.
- PHIL 354-02: History of Medieval Philosophy. Thérèse-Anne Druart. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 220: Church Through the Ages: Paul to Luther. T. Deutsch. WF 2:10-3:25.
- TRS 324: Saints and Sinners: A History of the Popes. Andrew Cuff. MW 2:10-3:25.
- TRS 367: Theology of the Patristic Period. S. Owens. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
(C) Cultural and Artistic Expressions
- ART 335/533: Western Medieval Art and Architecture. E. Bevis. TuTh 5:10-6:40.
- ART 390: A World Filled with Gods: Pagan, Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Art in Late Antiquity. Heather Turnbow. MW 9:40-10:55.
- CLAS 261: Heroes of the Middle Ages. Fabio Pagani. MW 5:10-6:25.
- ENG 352: Chaucer and His Age II. Megan Murton. MW 9:40-10:55.
- SEM 247: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:40 -1:30.
Approved electives
- SEM 242: Introduction to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30.
- SEM 552: Introduction to Classical Ethiopic. Aaron Butts. MW 11:10 AM - 12:25. [prerequisite SEM 551]
Graduate courses:
- ART 533: Western Medieval Art and Architecture. E. Bevis. TuTh 5:10-6:40.
- ECST 650: History of Early Christian Thought. Philip Rousseau. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- ENG 651: Old English Poetry. Lilla Kopár. Tu 9:45-12:15.
- ENG 754: Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales. Megan Murton. W 2:10-4:40.
- HIST 610: Medieval Civilization II. Katherine L. Jansen. W 2:10-4:40.
- PHIL 602: History of Medieval Philosophy. Thérèse-Anne Druart. TuTh 9-40-10:55 AM.
- PHIL 795: Bonaventure and His Sources. Timothy B. Noone. Tu 5:00-7:00.
- PHIL 836. Thomas Aquinas on the Divine Nature. John Wippel. Th 2:10-4:10.
- PHIL 881: Aquinas on Divine Ideas. Gregory Doolan. Tu 2:10-4:10.
- SEM 542/242: Introduction to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30.
- SEM 546: Readings in Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 8:10-9:25.
- SEM 547/247: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:40 -1:30.
- SEM 552: Introduction to Classical Ethiopic. Aaron Butts. MW 11:10 AM - 12:25. [prerequisite SEM 551]
- SEM 632: Syriac Literature. Aaron Butts. MW 3:40-4:55. [prerequisite SEM 631]
- SEM 682: Introduction to Coptic Studies. Janet Timbie. MWF 3:40-4:30 (prerequisite SEM 681 or equivalent)
- SEM 703: History of the Christian Near East. Aaron Butts and Janet Timbie. MW 2:10-3:25.
- SEM 782: Readings in Coptic. Janet Timbie. TTh 3:40-4:55 (prerequisite SEM 681 or equivalent)
- TRS 640-01: Foundations of Liturgy and Sacraments. Stefanos Alexopoulos. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 640-02: Foundations of Liturgy and Sacraments. Stefanos Alexopoulos. TuTh 2:10-3:25.
- TRS 724: The Writing of Church History. Susan Wessel. Tu 9:40-12:10.
- TRS 849: From Baumstark to Bell: Methods in the Study of Christian Liturgy. Nina Glibetic. Th 2:10-4:40.
Fall 2017
Undergraduate courses:
- MDST 496A: Senior Seminar. TBA.
(A) History and Social Structures
- HIST 235: Medieval World. Katherine L. Jansen. MWF 2:10-3:00.
- HIST 309C: Muslims, Christians, and Jews in the Medieval Mediterranean. Lev Weitz. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- HIST 316: England After the Black Death. L.R. Poos. TuTh 12:40-1:55.
- HSHU 101: Jesus to Muhammad: The Early Christians in the Mediterranean World. Aaron Butts. MW 3:40-4:55. [For Honors students only.]
(B) Thought and Worship
- PHIL 334: Philosophy in the Islamic World. Therese Anne Druart. WF 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 220-01: Church Through the Ages: Paul to Luther. R. Twele. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- TRS 220-02: Church Through the Ages: Paul to Luther. Z. Porcu. WF 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 352: Pilgrimage in the History of the Church. Robin Darling Young. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
(C) Cultural and Artistic Expressions
- ENG 351: Chaucer and His Age I. Daniel Gibbons. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- LAT 485: Augustine's Confessions. William Klingshirn. TuTh 2:10-3:25.
- SEM 545: Readings in Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 8:10-9:25.
Approved electives
- ENG 501: Introduction to Old English. Lilla Kopár. MW 11:10-12:25.
- SEM 241/SEM 541: Introduction to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30.
- SEM 551: Introduction to Classical Ethiopic. Aaron Butts. MW 11:10 AM - 12:25.
Graduate courses:
- [ART 533: Western Medieval Art & Architecture--postposed to Spring 2018]
- ECST 610: The Material World of Early Christianity. William Klingshirn. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- ECST 715/HIST 824B: Ascetics and Healing in Late Antiquity. Philip Rousseau. TuTh 2:10-3:25.
- ENG 501: Introduction to Old English. Rachel Grabowski. MW 11:10-12:25.
- HIST 609: Medieval Civilization 1: The Historiography of the Early Middle Ages. Jennifer Davis. Tu 2:10-4:40.
- HIST 640: Later Medieval England. L.R. Poos. Th 5:10-7:40.
- HIST 808A: The Carolingian Empire. Jennifer Davis. Th 2:10-4:40. [Reading knowledge of Latin required.]
- PHIL 634: Philosophy in the Islamic World. Therese Anne Druart. WF 11:10-12:25.
- PHIL 816: The Confessions of St. Augustine. Kevin White. W 5:10-7:10.
- PHIL 842: Thomas Aquinas Speaks of God. Fr. John Wippel. Th 4:10-6:10.
- PHIL 881: Aquinas on Divine Ideas. Gregory Doolan. Tu 10:00-12:00.
- PHIL 905/TRS 866K: Peter Lombard. Mark Clark and Timothy Noone. W 2:10-4:40.
- SEM 541/SEM 241: Introduction to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30.
- SEM 545: Readings in Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 8:10-9:25.
- SEM 551: Introduction to Classical Ethiopic. Aaron Butts. MW 11:10 AM - 12:25.
- SEM 631: Syriac Literature. Aaron Butts. MW 2:10 PM - 3:25 PM. [Prerequisite: SEM 531-532]
- SEM 681: Introduction to Coptic Studies. Janet Timbie. MWF 11:10-12.
- SEM 741: Seminar in Garshuni Texts. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- SEM 741: Seminar in Islamic and Christian Kalam. Shawqi Talia. TBA.
- SEM 781: Readings in Coptic. Janet Timbie. TuTh 3:40-4:55.
- TRS 622/722A: Ancient and Medieval Church History. Susan Wessel. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 641B: Eucharist. Michael Witczak. TuTh 2:10-3:25.
- TRS 721B: Early Christian Exegesis. Robin Darling Young. Th 2:10-4:40.
- TRS 742A: Liturgical Year. Stefanos Alexopoulos. W 2:10-4:40.
- TRS 754D: Grace Personified: Bonaventure's Portrait of Francis of Assisi. Regis J. Armstrong. Tu 9:40-12:10.
- TRS 845: Sources of the Ordo Missae. Michael Witczak. F 9:40-12:10.
Summer 2017
- HIST 311: The Crusades. Jennifer Paxton. TuTh 2:10-5:40.
Spring 2017
Undergraduate courses:
- MDST 201/ENG 250/HIST 201: Medieval Pathways. Lilla Kopár, Jennifer Paxton, & Beth Newman Ooi. Tue 2:10-3:25 and Thu 2:10-4:40.
- MDST 496B: Senior Seminar. Lilla Kopár. TBA.
(A) History and Social Structures
- HSHU 102: From Charlemagne to Chaucer. Katherine L. Jansen. TuTh 2:10-3:25.
- HIST 309: Rise of Islam. Lev Weitz. WF 11:10-12:25.
(B) Thought and Workship
- PHIL 354-01: History of Medieval Philosophy. Thérèse Anne Druart. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- PHIL 354-02 History of Medieval Philosophy. Thérèse Anne Druart. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- PHIL 356-1: Metaphysics II (Aquinas). Gregory T. Doolan. MW 12:40-1:55.
- PHIL 356-2: Metaphysics II (Aquinas). Gregory T. Doolan. MW 2:10-3:25.
- TRS 240: Christian Liturgy, Prayer and Sacraments. Stefanos Alexopoulos. TuThu 3:40-4:55.
(C) Cultural and Artistic Expressions
- ART 311/CLAS 591: Byzantium and the West: Cultural and Artistic Exchange in Medieval Europe, C. 1000-1300. Konstantina Karterouli. TuTh 5:10-6:25.
- ENG 352: Chaucer and His Age II. Megan Murton. TuTh 2:10-3:25.
- ENG 355: Medieval Monsters. Lilla Kopár. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- SEM 546: Readings in Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 8:10- 9:25.
- SEM 547: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:40-1:30
Approved Electives
- GR 490/GR 590: Introduction to Byzantine Greek Language and Literature. Fabio Pagani. MWF 3:40-4:30.
- LAT 562: Topics in Medieval Latin Studies. Fabio Pagani. MWF 12:40-1:30.
- SEM 542: Introduction to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30.
Graduate courses:
- CLAS 591: Byzantium and the West: Cultural and Artistic Exchange in Medieval Europe, C. 1000-1300. Konstantina Karterouli. TuTh 5:10-6:25.
- ECST 600: Introduction to Early Christian Studies. Philip Rousseau. TuTh 2:10-3:25.
- ENG 742: Religion and Literature in Medieval England. Megan Murton. Th 5:10-7:40.
- GR 590: Introduction to Byzantine Greek Language and Literature. Fabio Pagani. MWF 3:40-4:30.
- HIST 607: Women, Sex, and Gender, 1100-1500. Katherine L. Jansen. W 2:10-4:40.
- HIST 632: Tudor England. L.R. Poos. M 5:10-7:40.
- HIST 694: Medieval Islam and Eastern Christianity. Lev Weitz. Th 5:10-7:40
- LAT 562: Topics in Medieval Latin Studies: Introduction to Latin Paleography. Fabio Pagani. MWF 12:40-1:30.
- LAT 705: Patristic Seminar: Boethius' De Consolatione Philosophiae. John Petruccione. TuTh 3:40-4:55.
- PHIL 602-01: History of Medieval Philosophy. Thérèse Anne Druart. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- PHIL 602-02 History of Medieval Philosophy. Thérèse Anne Druart. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- PHIL 766: Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas II. Msgr. John Wippel. Th 2:10-4:10.
- PHIL 769: Aquinas and His Contemporaries on Conscience and Prudence. Tobias Hoffmann. Tu 5:00-7:00.
- PHIL 788: Medieval Epistemology: Thirteenth Century Themes: Abstraction, Illumination, and the First Known. Timothy Noone. W 7:10-9:10.
- PHIL 899: Arabic into Latin: Influences of Arabic Texts on Medieval Latin Philosophers. Thérèse Anne Druart. W 12:00-2:00.
- PHIL 921: Aquinas on the Categories of Being. Gregory T. Doolan. Tu 10:00-12:00.
- SEM 542: Introduction to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30.
- SEM 546: Readings in Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 8:10- 9:25.
- SEM 547: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:40-1:30.
- SEM 632: Syriac Literature. Aaron Butts. MW 2:10-3:25.
- SEM 682: Introduction to Coptic Studies. Janet Timbie. MWF 11:10-12:00.
- SEM 733: Editing Texts: Christian Near East. Aaron Butts. MW 11:10-12:25.
- SEM 782: Readings in Coptic. Janet Timbie. TuTh 3:40-4:55.
- TRS 640-01: Foundations of Liturgy and Sacraments. Stefanos Alexopoulos. MW 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 640-02: Foundations of Liturgy and Sacraments. Stefanos Alexopoulos. MW 2:10-3:25.
- TRS 744: Eucharist: A Liturgical Theology. Michael Witczak. W 12:40-3:10.
- TRS 758: The Formation of Christian Martyrdom. Robin Darling Young. W 9:40-12:10.
- TRS 846: Liturgies of Death and Dying. Michael Witczak. F 9:40-12:10.
- TRS 859B: Origen and Origenism. Robin Darling Young. M 9:40-12:10.
- TRS 870: Study of the Bible in the 12th Century. Mark Clark & Joshua Benson. W 2:10-4:40.
Fall 2016
Undergraduate courses:
- MDST 496A: Senior Seminar. Lilla Kopár. TBA.
(A) History and Social Structures
- CLAS 472/572: Mediterranean World of Late Antiquity. William Klingshirn. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- HIST 235: Medieval World. Katherine L. Jansen. MWF 2:10-3:00.
- HIST 322: Tyrants and Vagabonds: Tudor England. L.R. Poos. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- HIST 340A/HIST 639A: Mapping History. L.R. Poos. Th 5:10-7:30.
- HSHU 101: Jesus to Muhammad: The Early Christians in the Mediterranean World. Aaron Butts. MW 3:40-4:55. [For Honors students only.]
(B) Thought and Worship
- TRS 220-01: Church Through the Ages: Paul to Luther. Susan Wessel. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- TRS 220-01: Church Through the Ages: Paul to Luther. A. Shuyaka. WF 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 344: Introduction to Eastern Liturgies. Stefanos Alexopoulos. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
(C) Cultural and Artistic Expressions
- ART 211: History of Art: Pre-History to the Middle Ages. Konstantina Karterouli. MW 5:10-6:25PM.
- ENG 351: Chaucer and His Age I. Megan Murton. MW 12:40-1:55.
- SEM 545: Readings in Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 8:10-9:25.
Approved electives
- SEM 541: Introduction to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30.
Graduate courses:
- CLAS 572: Mediterranean World of Late Antiquity. William Klingshirn. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- ECST 769/HIST 824A: Christian Asceticism at the Dawn of the Middle Ages. Philip Rousseau. TuTh 2:10-3:25.
- ENG 621: History of the English Language. Lilla Kopár. Th 2:10-4:40.
- HIST 639A: Mapping History. L.R. Poos. Th 5:10-7:30.
- LAT 561: Introduction to Medieval Latin Studies. TBA. MWF 12:40-1:30.
- PHIL 765: Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas. Msgr. John Wippel. Th 2:10-4:10.
- PHIL 872: Boethius's Consolatio Philosophiae. Kevin White. Th 12:00-2:00.
- PHIL 899: Arabic into Latin: Influence of Arabic Texts on Medieval Latin Authors. Therese Druart. W 12:00-2:00.
- SEM 541: Introduction to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30.
- SEM 545: Readings in Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 8:10-9:25.
- SEM 631: Syriac Literature. Aaron Butts. MW 2:10-3:25.
- SEM 641: Readings in Islamic & Christian Arabic (topic TBA). Aaron Butts. MW 11:10-12:25.
- SEM 681: Introduction to Coptic Studies. Janet Timbie. MWF 11:10-12:00.
- SEM 743: Seminar in Garshuni Texts. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- SEM 781: Readings in Coptic. Janet Timbie. TuTh 3:40-4:55.
- TRS 622: Ancient and Medieval Church History. Susan Wessel. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 650C: Eastern Spirituality. Robin Darling Young. M 9:40-12:10.
- TRS 743E: Liturgies of Christian Marriage. Michael Witczak. W 9:40-12:10.
- TRS 748: Byzantine Divine Liturgy. Stefanos Alexopoulos. W 2:10-4:40.
- TRS 762A/PHIL 789: Peter Abelard. Mark Clark & Timothy Noone. T 2:10-4:10.
Spring 2016
Undergraduate courses:
- MDST 496B: Senior Seminar. Lilla Kopár. TBA.
(A) History and Social Structures
- HIST 216: Beyond the "Fall" of Rome, 400-800. Jennifer Davis and Philip Rousseau. MWF 2:10-3:00.
- HIST 309: The Rise of Islam. Lev Weitz. TuTh 12:40-1:55.
- HIST 311: The Crusades. Jennifer Paxton. MF 12:40-1:55.
- HIST 312: Medieval Japan. L.R. Poos. MW 2:10-3:25.
- HSHU 102: From Charlemagne to Chaucer. Jennifer Davis. MW 3:40-4:55.
- SEM 503: History of the Christian Near East. Aaron Butts and Janet Timbie. MW 3:40-4:55.
(B) Thought and Worship
- PHIL 354-01: History of Medieval Philosophy. Therese-Anne Druart. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- PHIL 354-02: History of Medieval Philosophy. TBA. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 352: Pilgrimages in the History of Christianity. Robin Darling Young. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
(C) Cultural and Artistic Expressions
- ART 302/CLAS 306: Death, Art, and the Afterlife. Heather Turnbow. TuTh 3:40-4:55.
- ART 311/CLAS 591: Byzantium and the West: Cultural and Artistic Exchange in Medieval Europe, c. 1000-1300. Konstantina Karterouli. MW 6:40-7:55.
- ENG 341: Beowulf and Friends. Lilla Kopár. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- ENG 352: Chaucer and His Age II. Megan Murton. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- ITAL 240: Italy and the Renaissance. Stefania Lucamante. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- SEM 247/SEM 547: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:40 -1:30.
Approved electives
- SEM 242/SEM 542: Introduction to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30.
- SEM 546: Readings in Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. Tu Th 8:10-9:25.
- MDST 556: Readings in Medieval Archaeology. Jennifer Davis and Lilla Kopár. F 11:10-1:40. [Registration with dept. consent only. Prerequisite for Summer Archaeology Field School 2016.]
Graduate courses:
- CLAS 591: Byzantium and the West: Cultural and Artistic Exchange in Medieval Europe, c. 1000-1300. Konstantina Karterouli. MW 6:40-7:55.
- ENG 725: Readings in Medieval Literature. Megan Murton. Th 2:10-4:40.
- HIST 610: Medieval Civilization II. Katherine L. Jansen. M 3:40-6:10.
- HIST 623C: History of Libraries. Massimo Ceresa. Tu 5:10-7:30.
- HIST 642B: Interreligious Encounters in the Medieval Middle East. Lev Weitz. Tu 3:40-6:10.
- HIST 843A/ECST 782: The Roots of Medieval Morality. Philip Rousseau. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- LAT 561: Introduction to Medieval Latin Studies. Frank Mantello. MWF 2:10-3:00.
- LAT 705: Patristic Seminar: Lived Religion in Merovingian Gaul. William Klingshirn. Th 2:10-4:40.
- MDST 556: Readings in Medieval Archaeology. Jennifer Davis and Lilla Kopár. F 11:10-1:40. [Registration with dept. consent only. Prerequisite for Summer Archaeology Field School 2016.]
- MDST 809B/HIST 809B: Strategies of Conversion in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Jennifer Davis, Lilla Kopár, and Philip Rousseau. M 9:40-12:10.
- PHIL 602: History of Medieval Philosophy. TBA. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- PHIL 785: Avicenna's De anima. Therese-Anne Druart. Tu 2:10-4:10. [Some knowledge of Arabic or Latin required.]
- PHIL 791: Thought of William of Ockham. Timothy Noone. Th 5:00-7:00.
- PHIL 834: Aquinas on Justice. V. Bradley Lewis. W 7:10-9:10.
- PHIL 836: Thomas Aquinas on the Divine Nature (Summa contra Gentiles I). John F. Wippel. Th 2:10-4:10.
- PHIL 860: The Fall of the Angels: Philosophical Explanations from Augustine to Duns Scotus. Tobias Hoffmann. W 5:00-7:00.
- SEM 503/SEM 703: History of the Christian Near East. Aaron Butts and Janet Timbie. MW 3:40-4:55.
- SEM 542: Introduction to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30.
- SEM 546: Readings in Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 8:10-9:25.
- SEM 547: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:40 -1:30.
- SEM 552: Introduction to Classical Ethiopic. Aaron Butts. MW 11:10- 12:25. [prerequisite SEM 551]
- SEM 632: Syriac Literature. Aaron Butts. MW 2:10-3:25. [prerequisite SEM 631]
- SEM 682: Introduction to Coptic Studies. Janet Timbie. MWF 11:10-12:00.
- SEM 782: Readings in Coptic. Janet Timbie. TTh 3:40-4:55. [prerequisite SEM 681, 682, or equivalent]
- TRS 724: The Writing of Church History. Susan Wessel. Th 9:40-12:10.
- TRS 727B: Formation of Orthodoxy. Susan Wessel. Tu 9:40-12:10.
- TRS 727L: The Natural World and Human Nature in Early Christianity. Robin Darling Young. M 2:10-4:40.
- TRS 744: Eucharist: A Liturgical Theology. Michael Witczak. W 12:40-3:10.
- TRS 754K: Francis and Clare. Regis Armstrong. W 2:10-4:40.
- TRS 843A: Constantinople: The City and Its Liturgy. Stefanos Alexopoulos. Th 9:40-12:10.
- TRS 867D: Aquinas on the Incarnation and Passion of Christ. W. Loewe. M 9:40-12:10.
Fall 2015
Undergraduate courses:
- MDST 496A: Senior Seminar. Lilla Kopár. TBA.
(A) History and Social Structures
- HSHU 101: Jesus to Muhammad: The Early Christians in the Mediterranean World. Aaron Butts. MW 3:40-4:55. [For Honors students only.]
- CLAS 225: Ancient Warfare and Martial Arts. Tom Leoni. TuTh 5:10- 6:25.
- HIST 235: Medieval World. Katherine L. Jansen. MWF 2:10-3:25.
- HIST 308: History of Byzantium and the Creation of the Orthodox World, 500-1200. Lev Weitz. TuTh 2:10-3:25.
- HIST 316: England in the Age of the Black Death. L.R. Poos. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
(B) Thought and Worship
- PHIL 334-01: Philosophy in Islamic Lands. Therese Druart. WF 12:40-1:55.
- TRS 220-01: Church through the Ages: Paul to Luther. Susan Wessel. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- TRS 220-02: Church through the Ages: Paul to Luther. Andrew Cuff. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 220-03: Church through the Ages: Paul to Luther. M. Buszek. TuTh 3:40-4:55.
- TRS 322-01: Christian Beginnings. Robin Darling Young. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- TRS 322-02: Christian Beginnings. Robin Darling Young. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 344: Liturgies of the Eastern Churches. Stefanos Alexopoulos. MWF 11:10-12:00.
- TRS 367A: Unity and Diversity: Theology in the Middle Ages. B. Smith. WF 11:10-12:25.
(C) Cultural and Artistic Expressions
- ART 335: Western Medieval Art and Architecture. Konstantina Karterouli. MW 3:40-4:55.
- ENG 312: Norse Mythology. Lilla Kopár. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- ENG 351: Chaucer and His Age I. Megan Murton. MWF 12:40-1:30.
- SEM 247/547: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:40-1:30.
- SEM 545: Readings in Medieval Arabic and Islamic Literature. Shawqi Talia. 8:10-9:25.
Approved electives
- SEM 241/541: Introduction to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30.
- SEM 551: Introduction to Classical Ethiopic. Aaron Butts. MW 11:10-12:25.
Graduate courses:
- CL 701/Law 507: History of Canon Law. Ken Pennington. TuTh 1:10-2:25.
- CL 702: Seminar in the Sources of the Ius commune. Ken Pennington. W 2:10-4:00.
- CLAS 705/HIST 805B: Seminar: Augustine the Letter-Writer. Philip Rousseau. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- ENG 853: Seminar: Medieval Monsters. Megan Murton. Wed 2:10-4:40.
- GR 705: Patristic Seminar. William McCarthy. MWF 6:40-7:30.
- HIST 609: Medieval Civilization I: The Historiography of the Early Middle Ages. Jennifer Davis. W 2:10-4:40.
- HIST 640: Late Medieval England. L.R. Poos. Th 5:10-7:40.
- HIST 692: Readings on Medieval Italy. Katherine L. Jansen. M 3:40-6:10.
- HIST 694B: Historiography of Medieval Islam. Lev Weitz. Tu 11:10-1:40.
- HIST 809A: Dispute Settlement in the Early Medieval World. Jennifer Davis. Tu 3:40-6:10. [Reading knowledge of Latin is required.]
- PHIL 625: Aquinas on the Virtues. Angela Knobel. W 2:10-4:10.
- PHIL 626: Aquinas's De substantiis separatis. Gregory T. Doolan. Tu 2:10-4:10.
- PHIL 634-01: Philosophy in Islamic Lands. Therese Druart. WF 12:40-1:55.
- PHIL 703: Dante and Philosophy. Kevin White. W 7:30-9:30.
- PHIL 842: Thomas Aquinas Speaks of God. John Wippel. Th 2:10-4:10.
- SEM 541: Introduction to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30.
- SEM 545: Readings in Medieval Arabic and Islamic Literature. Shawqi Talia. 8:10-9:25.
- SEM 547: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:40-1:30.
- SEM 551: Introduction to Classical Ethiopic. Aaron Butts. MW 11:10-12:25.
- SEM 631: Syriac Literature. Aaron Butts. MW 2:10 PM - 3:25. [Prerequisite: SEM 531-532]
- SEM 681: Introduction to Coptic Studies. Janet Timbie. MWF 11:10-12:00.
- SEM 781: Readings in Coptic. Janet Timbie. TuTh 3:40-4:55. [Prerequisite: SEM 681, 682, or 683, or equivalent; see instructor.]
- TRS 622: Ancient and Medieval Church History. Susan Wessel. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 641B: Eucharist. Michael Witczak. TuTh 2:10-3:25. [Prerequisite: TRS 640: Introduction to Liturgy and Sacraments, or equivalent, or professor's approval.]
- TRS 727K: Franciscan Theology of the Word. Joshua Benson. W 2:10-4:40.
- TRS 742A: The Liturgical Year. Stefanos Alexopoulos. W 12:40PM-3:10.
- TRS 824: Glossa Ordinaria. Mark Clark. Tu 3:40-6:10.
- TRS 847: Celebration of the Word of God. F 9:40-11:30 [Prerequisite: TRS 740: Liturgical Sources, or equivalent, or professor's approval.]
- TRS 859C: Throne and Altar [on political theology of Christian kingship]. Robin Darling Young. M 2:10-4:40.
Spring 2015
Undergraduate courses:
- MDST 201/HIST 201/ENG 250: Medieval Pathways. Jennifer Davis & Lilla Kopár. Tu 9:40-10:55 & Th 9:40-12:10.
- MDST 496B: Senior Seminar. Lilla Kopár. TBA.
(A) History and Social Structures
- HIST 225A: History of Ireland to 1607. Jennifer Paxton. MWF 11:10-12:00.
- HIST 302B: The Post-Roman World, 410-750. Philip Rousseau. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- HIST 309: The Rise of Islam. Lev Weitz. TuTh 2:10-3:25.
- HSHU 102: From Charlemagne to Chaucer. Katherine L. Jansen. TuTh 2:10-3:25. [For Honors students only.]
(B) Thought and Worship
- PHIL 354-01: History of Medieval Philosophy. Therese Druart. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- PHIL 354-02: History of Medieval Philosophy. Therese Druart, TuTh 11:10-12:25.
(C) Cultural and Artistic Expressions
- ART 301: Splendors of Byzantium: Art and Culture of the Empire, 330-1453. TBA.
- ENG 351: Chaucer and His Age I. Todd Lidh. MW 12:40-1:55.
- LAT 477: Early Christian Biography. Frank A.C. Mantello. MWF 3:40-4:30.
- SEM 545: Readings in Medieval Arabic and Islamic Literature. Shawqi Talia. 8:10-9:25.
- SEM 247/547: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:40 -1:30.
Approved Electives:
- LAT 562: Intro Medieval Latin Studies: Documents of Land and Power. Frank A.C. Mantello. MWF 2:10-3:00.
- SEM 242/542: Introduction to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30.
Graduate courses:
- CL 702: Sources of the Ius Commune: Research Seminar in the Manuscripts and Printed Texts. Ken Pennington. W 3:10-5:00 [Prerequisite: Elementary Latin.]
- CL 760/Law 508: Comparative European Legal History: Roman Law and the Ius commune. Ken Pennington. TuTh 1:10-2:25
- HIST 610: Medieval Civilization II. Katherine L. Jansen. Tu 3:40-6:10.
- HIST 611A: Problems in Carolingian History. Jennifer Davis. Th, 3:40-6:10.
- HIST 623B: History of the Book in the Early Modern Period. Massimo Ceresa. Th 3:40-6:10.
- HIST 6xx: Classics of Medieval History. Jennifer Davis. W, 9:40-12:10.
- HIST 804: "Late Antiquity" East and West. Philip Rousseau. TuTh 2:10-3:25.
- LAT 562: Intro Medieval Latin Studies: Documents of Land and Power. Frank A.C. Mantello. MWF 2:10-3:00.
- LAT 577: Early Christian Biography. Frank A.C. Mantello.. MWF 3:40-4:30.
- LAT 733: Latin Palaeography. Frank A.C. Mantello. MWF 09:40-10:30.
- PHIL 602-01: History of Medieval Philosophy. Therese Druart, TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- PHIL 766: Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas. John Wippel. Th 2:10-4:10.
- PHIL 835: Aquinas on Evil. Tobias Hoffmann. W 7:30-9:30pm.
- SEM 542/242: Introduction to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30.
- SEM 545: Readings in Medieval Arabic and Islamic Literature. Shawqi Talia. 8:10-9:25.
- SEM 547/247: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:40 -1:30.
- SEM 632: Syriac Literature. Aaron Butts. MW 2:10-3:25.
- SEM 642: Readings in Islamic and Christian Arabic (Survey of Christian Arabic). Aaron Butts. MW. 3:40-4:55.
- SEM 782: Readings in Coptic. Janet Timbie. TuTh 11:10-12:25. [Prereq. SEM 681, SEM 683, or equivalent.]
- TRS 620: Introduction to Patristic Theology. Tarmo Toom. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 641C: Sacraments of Reconciliation and Anointing. Dominic Serra. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 742B: Liturgy of the Hours and Community Prayer. Dominic Serra. Tu 2:10-4:00.
- TRS 744: Eucharist: A Liturgical Theology. Michael Witczak. W 1:10-3:00.
- TRS 772: Aquinas and Bonaventure. Joshua C Benson and Nicholas E Lombardo. W 2:10PM - 4:40.
- TRS 846: Liturgies of Death and Dying. Michael Witczak. F 9:40-11:30.
- TRS 859B: Origen and Origenism. Robin Darling Young. W 9:40-12:10.
Fall 2014
Undergraduate courses:
- MDST 496A: Senior Seminar. Lilla Kopár. TBD.
(A) History and Social Structures
- CLAS 572: Mediterranean World of Late Antiquity. William Klingshirn. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- HIST 235: Medieval World. Katherine Jansen. MWF 2:10-3:00.
- HIST 309C: Muslims, Christians and Jews in the Medieval Mediterranean. Lev Weitz. TuTh 12:40-1:55.
- HIST 323: The Renaissance, 1330-1530. Nelson Minnich. TuTh 2:10-3:25.
- HSHU 101: Jesus to Muhammad: The Early Christians in the Mediterranean World. William Klingshirn. TuTh 9:40-10:55. [For Honors students only.]
(B) Thought and Worship
- TRS 220-01: Church Through the Ages: Paul to Luther. Susan Wessel. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- TRS 220-02: Church Through the Ages: Paul to Luther. Mark Clark. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
(C) Cultural and Artistic Expressions
- ART 211: History or Art: Prehistory to the Middle Ages. Heather Turnbow. TuTh 3:40-4:55.
- ART 358: The Cult of Saints in Medieval Europe. Heather Turnbow. WF 3:40-4:55.
- ENG 342/ENG 621: History of the English Language. Lilla Kopár. W 2:10-4:40.
- ENG 352: Chaucer and His Age II. Lilla Kopár. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- ENG 516: Arthurian Literature. Joan Grimbert. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- SEM 545: Arabic Literature I. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 8:10-9:25.
- SEM 547: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:40-1:30.
Approved Electives:
- LAT 561: Introduction to Medieval Latin Studies. Frank Mantello. MWF 9:40-10:30.
- SEM 531: Introduction to Syriac I. Monica Blanchard. MWF 12:40-1:30.
- SEM 541: Introduction to Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30.
Graduate courses:
- CL 701/Law 507: History of Canon Law. Ken Pennington. Tu 10:10-11:25 and Th 1:10-2:25.
- CL 728N: Seminar: Medieval Papacy. Ken Pennington. W 3:00-5:00.
- CLAS 572: Mediterranean World of Late Antiquity. William Klingshirn. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- ECST 770: Theodoret of Cyrrhus: Between Two Worlds. Philip Rousseau. TTh 2:10-3:25.
- ENG 516: Arthurian Literature. Joan Grimbert. TuTh 9:40-10:55.
- ENG 621: History of the English Language. Lilla Kopár. W 2:10-4:40.
- HIST 609: Medieval Civilization 1: The Historiography of the Early Middle Ages. Jennifer Davis. Tu 3:40-5:40.
- HIST 679: Medieval Hagiography. Katherine Jansen. M 5:10-7:40. [Reading knowledge of Latin required.]
- HIST 823A: History Writing in the Early Middle Ages. Jennifer Davis. Th 3:40-5:40. [Reading knowledge of Latin required.]
- LAT 561: Introduction to Medieval Latin Studies. Frank Mantello. MWF 9:40-10:30.
- PHIL 765: Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas I. John Wippel. Th 2:10-4:10.
- PHIL 797: Metaphysics of John Duns Scotus. Timothy Noone. W 5:10-7:10.
- PHIL 881: Aquinas on the Divine Ideas. Gregory Doolan. Tu 2:10-4:10.
- SEM 531: Introduction to Syriac I. Monica Blanchard. MWF 12:40-1:30.
- SEM 541: Introduction to Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30.
- SEM 545: Arabic Literature I. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 8:10-9:25.
- SEM 547: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:40-1:30.
- SEM 681: Introduction to Coptic Studies. Janet Timbie. MWF 11:10-12:00.
- SEM 781: Readings in Coptic. Janet Timbie. TuTh 3:40-4:55.
- TRS 622: Ancient and Medieval Church History. Susan Wessel. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 641A: Christian Initiation. Michael Witczak. TuTh 2:10-3:25.
- TRS 650C: Eastern Spirituality. Robin Darling Young. MW 11:10-12:25.
- TRS 727J: Theology of St. Bonaventure. Joshua Benson. M 12:40-3:10.
- TRS 747A: Cult of the Saints in Liturgical Perspective. Michael Witczak. F 9:40-11:30.
- TRS 748: Byzantine Liturgy. Stefanos Alexopoulos. W 9:40-12:10.
- TRS 755D: Spiritual Themes in Early Christianity: Ascent of the Mind. Robin Darling Young. Tu 9:40-12:10.
- TRS 761G: Aquinas on the Emotions. Nicholas Lombardo. F 9:40-12:10.
- TRS 820: Augustine in the Middle Ages: Augustine and 12th Cent. Spirituality. Mark Clark. Tu 2:10-4:40.
- TRS 835B: The Moral Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas. William Mattison. Tu 2:10-4:40.
- TRS 867D: Aquinas on the Incarnation and Passion of Christ. William Loewe. T 9:40-12:10.
Spring 2014
Undergraduate Courses: Gateway Course for Majors and Minors:
- MBS 201/ENG 250/HIST 201: Medieval Pathways. Jennifer Davis & Lilla Kopár. W 2:10-3:25 pm, F 2:10-4:40 pm.
(A) History and Social Structures
- HIST 309: The Rise of Islam. Lev Weitz. TBA.
- HSHU 102: Charlemagne to Chaucer: Christian Life in the Middle Ages. Jennifer Davis. MW 11:10 am-12:25 pm. [For Honors students only.]
- SEM 503/703: History of the Christian Near East: From the Formative Period to the Age of Justinian. Janet Timbie. TuTh 9:40-10:55 am.
(B) Thought and Worship
- PHIL 354-01: History of Medieval Philosophy. Therese A. Druart. MW 9:40-10:55 am.
- PHIL 354-02: HIstory of Medieval Philosophy. Therese A. Druart. TuTH 2:10-3:25 pm.
- TRS 356A: Francis and Clare. Joshua Benson. MW 12:40-1:55 pm.
(C) Cultural and Artistic Expressions
- ART 310/CLAS 319/ECST 519: Early Christian Art and Archaeology. Heather Turnbow. MW 5:10-6:25 pm.
- ENG 351: Chaucer and His Age I. Todd Lidh. MWF 11:10 am-12:00 pm.
- SEM 546: Readings in Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 8:10-9:25 am.
- SEM 547/247: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:40-1:30 pm.
Approved Electives
- SEM 532: Introduction to Syriac II. Monica Blanchard. MWF 12:40-1:30 pm.
- SEM 542/242: Introduction to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30 am.
Graduate Courses:
- ECST 519: Early Christian Art and Archaeology. Heather Turnbow. MW 5:10-6:25 pm
- ENG 743: Texts in Context: Anglo-Saxon Poetry & Culture. Lilla Kopár. Th 2:10-4:40 pm.
- HIST 610: Medieval Civilization II. Jennifer Paxton. Tu 5:10-7:40 pm.
- HIST 612A: Archaeology for the Medieval Historian. Jennifer Davis. M 3:40-5:40 pm.
- HIST 642B: Interreligious Encounters in the Medieval Middle East. Lev Weitz. Th 5:10-7:40 pm.
- LAT 705: Latin patristic seminar: Isidore, Etymologies. John Petruccione. TuTh 05:10-06:25 pm.
- LAT 834: Textual Criticism. Frank Mantello. WF 9:40-10:30 am.
- PHIL 602: History of Medieval Philosophy. Therese A. Druart. TuTh 2:10-3:25 pm.
- PHIL 795: Augustinian Themes in Bonaventure. Timothy Noone. Th 7:30-9:30 pm.
- PHIL 836: Aquinas on the Divine Names (Summa contra Gentiles I). John Wippel. Th 2:10-4:00 p.m.
- PHIL 870: Avicenna's Metaphysics. Therese Druart. Tu 5:10-7:10 pm.
- SEM 503/703: History of the Christian Near East: From the Formative Period to the Age of Justinian. Janet Timbie. TuTh 9:40-10:55 am.
- SEM 532: Introduction to Syriac II. Monica Blanchard. MWF 12:40-1:30 pm.
- SEM 542/242: Introduction to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30 am.
- SEM 546: Readings in Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 8:10-9:25 am.
- SEM 547/247: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:40-1:30 pm.
- SEM 682: Introduction to Coptic Studies. Janet Timbie. MWF 11:10 am-12:00 pm.
- SEM 782: Readings in Coptic: Shenoute of Atripe. Janet Timbie. TuTh 3:40-4:55 pm. [Open to all who have taken SEM 681, 682, or 683 (or equivalent in another program).]
- TRS 727: Introduction to Medieval Theology. Joshua Benson. F 9:40 am-12:10 pm.
- TRS 745B: Mystical Theology: Three Pivotal Texts of Bonaventure. Regis Armstrong. W 2:10-4:40 pm.
- TRS 823G: 12th Century Evangelical Awakening. Mark Clark. Tu 2:10-4:40 pm.
- TRS 843: Constantinople: The City and Its Liturgy. Stefanos Alexopoulos. Tu 9:40 am-12:10 pm.
Fall 2013
Undergraduate courses:
- MDST 451: Senior Seminar (Senior Tutorial). Lilla Kopár. TBD
(A) History and Social Structures
- HIST 235: Medieval World. Jennifer R. Davis. MWF 11:10-12
- HIST 309: Rise of Islam. Lev Weitz. TuTh 12:40-1:55
- HIST 311A: Medieval Warfare and Knighthood. Federico Canaccini. MW 5:10-6:25
- HSHU 101: Jesus to Muhammad: The Early Christians in the Mediterranean World. [For Honors students only.]
(B) Thought and Worship
- TRS 220.01: Church Through the Ages: Paul to Luther. Susan Wessel. TuTh 9:40-10:55
- TRS 220.02: Church Through the Ages: Paul to Luther. Mark Clark. TuTh 11:10-12:25
- TRS 344: Liturgies of the Eastern Churches. Seely Beggiani. MWF 3:40-4:30
(C) Cultural and Artistic Expressions
- ENG 313: Roman Roots of European Literature. Stephen Wright. (Rome Program Study Abroad)
- ENG 353: Chaucer and the Italians . Stephen Wright. (Rome Program Study Abroad)
- ENG 352: Chaucer and His Age II. Lilla Kopár. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- SEM 247/ 547: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:10-1:00
Approved Electives
- ENG 501: Introduction to Old English. Lilla Kopár. Th 2:10-4:40
- GR 501: Elementary Greek for Graduate Students I. John Petruccione. MWF 3:40-4:30
- LAT 501: Elementary Latin for Graduate Students I. Frank Mantello. MWF 3:40-4:30
- LAT 509: Intensive Elementary Latin. Leo Hunt. MWF 9:15-10:55
- LAT 561: Intro to Medieval Latin Studies. Frank Mantello. MWF 9:40-10:30
- SEM 381/681: Introduction to Coptic Studies. Janet Timbie. MWF 11:10-12:00
- SEM 241/541: Introduction to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30
- SEM 545: Readings in Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 8:10-9:25
Graduate courses:
- CL 701/LAW 507: History of Canon Law. Kenneth Pennington. TuTh 1:10-2:25 (Section .02 available online)
- CL 728N/STRS 728N: Medieval Papacy: Kenneth Pennington. W 3:20-5:50
- ENG 501: Introduction to Old English. Lilla Kopár. Th 2:10-4:40.
- GR 501: Elementary Greek for Graduate Students I. John Petruccione. MWF 3:40-4:30
- HIST 609: Medieval Civilization 1: The Historiography of the Early Middle Ages. Jennifer Davis. M 3:40-5:40
- HIST 617B: Boethius, Then and Later. Philip Rousseau.T Th TBA
- HIST 694B: Historiography of Medieval Islam. Lev Weitz. Th 6:40-8:40
- LAT 501: Elementary Latin for Graduate Students I. Frank Mantello. MWF 3:40-4:30
- LAT 509: Intensive Elementary Latin. Leo Hunt. MWF 9:15-10:55
- LAT 561: Intro to Medieval Latin Studies. Frank Mantello. MWF 9:40-10:30
- PHIL 754: The Problem of Evil in Neoplatonic Philosophy. Matthias Vorwerk. M 5:10-7:10
- PHIL 759: Medieval and Contemporary Theories of Free Choice. Tobias Hoffmann. M 5:10-7:10
- PHIL 897: Aquinas on Pleasure. Kevin White. Tu 7:30-9:30
- SEM 541/SEM 241: Introduction to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 9:40-10:30
- SEM 545: Readings in Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 8:10-9:25
- SEM 547/247: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:10-1:00
- SEM 681: Introduction to Coptic Studies. Janet Timbie. MWF 11:10-12:00
- SEM 781: Readings in Coptic. Janet Timbie. MWF 3:40-4:55
- TRS 622: Ancient and Medieval Church History. Susan Wessel. TuTh 11:10-12:25
- TRS 650A: Introduction to the History of Christian Spirituality. Regis Armstrong. MWF 11:10-12:00
- TRS 727H: Introduction to Franciscan Theology. Joshua Benson. Tuesday 2:10-4:40
- TRS 727H: History of Franciscan Theology. Joshua Benson. Tu 2:10-4:40
- TRS 743E: Liturgies of Christian Marriage. Michael Witczak. W 9:40-11:30
- TRS 754J: 12th Century Mystical Theology. Mark Clark. Th 2:10-4:40
- TRS 747E: Liturgies of Christian Marriage. Michael Witczak. W 9:40-11:30
Spring 2013
Undergraduate Courses: Gateway course for majors and minors:
- MDST 201/ENG 250/HIST 201: Medieval Pathways. W 2:10 - 3:25; F 2:10 - 4:40
(A) History and Social Structures
- HIST 236A: World of the Crusades. Jennifer Paxton. MWF 2:10-3:00
- HIST 303: Mediterranean Society and Culture in the Early Middle Ages. Philip Rousseau. TuTh 11:10-12:25
- HSHU 102: Charlemagne to Chaucer. Ken Pennington. TuTh 3:35-4:50 (For Honors students only.)
(B) Thought and Worship
- PHIL 334-01/634: Philosophy in the Islamic World. Therese Druart. MWF 10:10-11:00
- PHIL 354: History of Medieval Philosophy. Timothy Noone. TuTh 2:10-3:25
- PHIL 354: History of Medieval Philosophy. Kevin White. MWF 1:10-2:00
(C) Cultural and Artistic Expressions
- ART 345: Art & Power. Meredith Raucher. TuTh 2:10-3:25
- ENG 351: Chaucer and His Age II. Stephen Wright. TuTh 11:10-12:25
- SEM 247/547: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:10-1:00
- SEM 546: Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 9:35-10:50
Approved Electives
- GR 504: Readings in New Testament Greek. Sarah Ferrario. MWF 12:10 - 01:00
- LAT 562: Topics in Medieval Latin Studies: Royal Administration. Frank Mantello. MWF 2:10-3:00
- SEM 242/542: Introduction to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 10:10-11:00
Graduate Courses:
- CL 702: Research Seminar for Medieval Law. Ken Pennington. W 3:00-5:00
- CL 760/Law 508: History of Roman Law. Ken Pennington. TuTh 1:10-2:25
- ENG 725: Readings in Medieval Literature. Stephen Wright. M 5:00-7:30
- GR 504: Readings in New Testament Greek. Sarah Ferrario. MWF 12:10 - 01:00
- HIST 643: Medieval Monasticism. Jennifer Paxton. Tu 5:10-7:00
- HIST 610: Medieval Civilization II. Katherine L. Jansen. Tu 3:10-5:00
- HIST 812A/ENG 812: From Alfred to the Anarchy: Unification, the Continent, and Literary Tradition. Philip Rousseau. M 2:10-4:40
- LAT 562: Topics in Medieval Latin Studies: Royal Administration. Frank Mantello. MWF 2:10-3:00
- LAT 705: Latin Patristic Seminar: Caesarius of Arles. William Klingshirn. Th 9:35-12:15
- LAT 733: Latin Paleography I. Frank Mantello. MWF 4:10-5:00
- PHIL 334-01/634: Philosophy in the Islamic World. Therese Druart. MWF 10:10-11:00
- SEM 242/542: Introduction to Quranic and Classical Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 10:10-11:00
- SEM 247/547: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:10-1:00
- SEM 546: Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 9:35-10:50
- SEM 682: Introduction to Coptic Studies. Janet Timbie. MWF 12:10-1:00 (Prereq. SEM 681 or 683)
- SEM 782: Readings in Coptic. Janet Timbie. TuTh 11:10-12:35 (Prereq. SEM 681 or 683)
- TRS 727C: Bonaventure, Parisian Master. Joshua C. Benson. Tu 9:35-12:05
- TRS 744: Eucharist: A Liturgical Theology. Michael Witczak. W 1:10-3:00
- TRS 846: Sources of the Ordo Missae. Michael Witczak. Th 2:10-4:00
Fall 2012
Undergraduate courses:
- MDST 451: Senior Seminar (Senior Tutorial). Lilla Kopár. TBD
(A) History and Social Structures
- ECST 305/HIST 305A: The Ancient Christian Roots of the Medieval West. Philip Rousseau. TuTh 2:10-3:25
- HIST 235: Medieval World. Katherine Jansen. MWF 2:10-3:00
- HSHU 101: Jesus to Muhammad: The Early Christians in the Mediterranean World. [For Honors students only.]
(B) Thought and Worship
- TRS 220: Church Through the Ages: From Paul to Luther. Agnes de Dreuzy. Session 1: TuTh 2:10-3:25; Session 2: 11:10-12:35
(C) Cultural and Artistic Expressions
- ENG 351: Chaucer and His Age I. Stephen Wright. TuTh 9:35-10:50
Approved electives:
- LAT 561: Introduction to Medieval Latin Studies. Frank Mantello. TuTh 11:10-12:25
- SEM 381/681: Introduction to Coptic Studies. Janet Timbie. MWF 12:10-1:00
- SEM 331: Introduction to Syriac I. Monica Blanchard. MWF 1:10-2:00
Graduate courses:
- CL 701/LAW 508: History of Medieval Canon Law. Ken Pennington. TuTh 1:10-2:25
- CL 728N/TRS 728N: Medieval Papacy: Gregorian Reform Movement to The Great Schism. Ken Pennington. W 3:10-5:40
- CLAS 572: Mediterranean World of Late Antiquity. William Klingshirn. TuTh 2:10-3:25
- ENG 621: History of the English Language. Lilla Kopár. Tu 2:10-4:40
- ENG 656: Alliterative Poetry of the 14th Century. Stephen Wright. W 3:10-5:40
- GR 705: Patristic Seminar. William McCarthy. MWF 6:10-7:00
- HIST 609: Medieval Civilization I. Jennifer Paxton. Tu 3:10-5:00
- HIST 802/ENG 842: The World and Works of the Venerable Bede. Joshua Westgard. Th 5:10-7:00
- LAT 561: Introduction to Medieval Latin Studies. Frank Mantello. TuTh 11:10-12:25
- PHIL 761: Aquinas and the De anima. Kevin White. TBD
- PHIL 895: Aquinas on the Categories of Being. Gregory Doolan. TBD
- SEM 531: Introduction to Syriac I. Monica Blanchard. MWF 1:10-2:00
- SEM 681: Introduction to Coptic Studies. Janet Timbie. MWF 12:10-1:00
- SEM 781: Readings in Coptic. Janet Timbie. TuTh 11:10-12:25
- TRS 748A: Byzantine Divine Liturgy. Mark Morozowich. TBD
- TRS 823: Topics in Medieval Church History: St. Bernard and the New Monasticism. Mark Clark. Th 2:10-4:40
- TRS 827: Inaugural Sermons of Medieval Masters. Joshua Benson. TBD
- TRS 835: The Moral Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas. William Mattison. TBD
- TRS 846: Liturgies of Death and Dying. Michael Witczak. Tu 9:35-12:05
- TRS 867D: Aquinas on the Incarnation and Passion of Christ. William Loewe. Tu 9:35-12:05
Spring 2012
Undergraduate courses: Gateway course for majors and minors:
- MDST 201/ENG 250: Medieval Pathways. Joan Grimbert, Jennifer Paxton, and Ken Pennington. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
(A) History and Social Structures
- HIST 216A: Medieval Britain. Jennifer Paxton. MWF 1:10-2:00.
- HIST 317: Medieval Italy. Katherine Jansen. TuTh 2:10-3:25.
- HSHU 102: From Charlemagne to Chaucer. Ken Pennington. TuTh 3:35-4:50. [for Honors students only]
- SEM 503/SEM 703: History of the Christian Near East: From the Formative Period to the Age of Justinian. Janet Timbie, Sidney Griffith. TuTh 9:35-10:50.
(B) Thought and Worship
- PHIL 354.01/PHIL 602.01: History of Medieval Philosophy. Thérèse-Anne Druart. MWF 1:10-2:00.
- PHIL 354.02/PHIL 602.02: History of Medieval Philosophy. Thérèse-Anne Druart. MWF 12:10-1:00.
(C) Cultural and Artistic Expressions
- ART 335/ART 533/HIST 303B: Western Medieval Art and Architecture. Örgü Dalgiç. TuTh 12:35-1:50.
- SEM 247/SEM 547: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:10-1:00.
- SEM 546: Medieval Arabic Literature II. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 9:35-10:50.
- SPAN 326: Medieval Spain at the Crossroads of Cultures. Lourdes Maria Alvarez. [taught in English] TuTh 11:10-12:25.
Approved Electives
- GR 201: Readings in New Testament Greek. Sarah B. Ferrario. MWF 12:10 - 01:00.
- LAT 562.01: Topics in Medieval Latin Studies. Frank A.C. Mantello. TuTh 3:35-04:50.
- SEM 242/SEM 542: Introduction to Classical and Quranic Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 10:10-11:00.
- SEM 532: Introduction to Syriac II. Monica Blanchard. MWF 1:10-2:00.
Graduate courses:
- ART 533/ART 335/HIST 303B: Western Medieval Art and Architecture. Örgü Dalgiç. TuTh 12:35-1:50.
- CL 702: Seminar: Sources of Medieval Law. Ken Pennington. W 10:10-12:00.
- CL 760: The History of Roman Law in the Middle Ages. Ken Pennington. TuTh 1:10-2:25.
- ECST 732: Seminar: Asceticism after Chalcedon. Philip Rousseau TuTh 2:10-3:25.
- ENG 853: Seminar: Medieval Monsters. Lilla Kopár. M 3:10-5:40.
- GR 504/201: Readings in New Testament Greek. Sarah B. Ferrario. MWF 12:10 - 01:00.
- HIST 610: Medieval Civilization II. Katherine Jansen. Tu 3:35-5:25.
- HIST 649A: Readings in Medieval England. Jennifer Paxton. M 5:10-7:00
- HIST 822: Seminar: Sources for Medieval Italy. Katherine Jansen. Th 3:35-5:25. [Reading knowledge of Latin required.]
- LAT 562.01: Topics in Medieval Latin Studies. Frank A.C. Mantello. TuTh 3:35-04:50.
- LAT 705.01 Patristic Seminar: Literary Culture of Late Roman Aquitaine. John F. Petruccione. TuTh 02:10-3:25.
- LAT 734.01: Latin Paleography II. Frank A.C. Mantello. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- PHIL 602.01/PHIL 354.01: History of Medieval Philosophy. Thérèse-Anne Druart. MWF 1:10-2:00.
- PHIL 602.02/PHIL 354.02: History of Medieval Philosophy. Thérèse-Anne Druart. MWF 12:10-1:00.
- PHIL 769: Aquinas and His Contemporaries on Conscience and Prudence. Tobias Hoffmann. Th 6:35-8:25.
- PHIL 819-01: Aquinas's Treatise on the Passions of the Soul (Summa Theologiae I-II, QQ.22-48). Kevin White. Th 6:10-8:00.
- PHIL 881: Aquinas on the Divine Ideas. Gregory Doolan. M 2:10 - 4:00.
- SEM 503/SEM 703: History of the Christian Near East: From the Formative Period to the Age of Justinian. Janet Timbie, Sidney Griffith. TuTh 9:35-10:50.
- SEM 532: Introduction to Syriac II. Monica Blanchard. MWF 1:10-2:00.
- SEM 682: Introduction to Coptic Studies. Janet Timbie. MWF 12:10-1:00.
- SEM 782: Readings in Coptic. Janet Timbie. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- SEM 542/SEM 242: Introduction to Classical and Quranic Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 10:10-11:00.
- SEM 546: Medieval Arabic Literature II. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 9:35-10:50.
- SEM 547/SEM 247: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:10-1:00.
- TRS 761F: Thomas Aquinas on the Triune God. Nicholas Lombardo. M 9:10-11:40.
- TRS 866E: Justification and Grace: Debates and Dialogues. Michael Root. Th 9:35-12:05.
Fall 2011
Undergraduate courses:
- MDST 451: Senior Seminar. Lilla Kopár. [For MBS seniors only]
(A) History and Social Structures
- HIST 235A: The Medieval World. Katherine Jansen. MWF 2:10-3
- HSHU 101: Jesus to Muhammad: The Early Christians in the Mediterranean World. William Klingshirn. TTH 9:35-10:50 [For Honors students only. Acceptable as gateway course.]
(B) Thought and Worship
- TRS 220: The Church Through the Ages: From Paul to Luther. Agnes de Dreuzy. TTH 11:10-12:25 or 2:10-3:25
(C) Cultural and Artistic Expressions
- ART 347: Northern Renaissance Art: From Van Eyck to Bruegel. Katharina Kaliardos. TTH 12:35-1:50
- ART 368/668: Michelangelo, Leonardo, and Raphael. Jill Pederson. MW 2:10-3:25
- ART 390/590, CLAS 390/590, HIST 303A: A World Filled with Gods: Pagan, Jewish, Christian and Muslim Art in Late Antiquity. Orgu Dalgic. W 4:10-6:40
- ENG 352: Chaucer and His Age II. Lilla Kopár. TTH 11:10-12:25
- ENG 502: Introduction to Old English II. Lilla Kopár. TH 2:10-4:40
- FREN 250: King Arthur in Literature and the Arts. Joan T. Grimbert. TTH 2:10-3:25
- MUS 325: History of Music I. Andrew Weaver. TTH 11:10-12:25.
- SEM 247/547: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:10-1. [Open to graduate students, juniors and seniors]
- SEM 545: Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. TTH 9:35-10:50. [Prerequisite: Approval of Instructor.]
Approved Electives
- LAT 561: Introduction to Medieval Latin Studies. Frank Mantello. MWF 2:10-3
- SEM 241/541: Introduction to Classical and Quranic Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 10:10-11:00
- SEM 511: Introduction to Biblical Hebrew. TBA. MWF 10:10-11.
- SEM 531: Introduction to Syriac I. Monica Blanchard. MWF 1:10-2.
Graduate courses:
- ART 368/668: Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael. Jill Pederson. MW 2:10-3:25
- ART390/590, CLAS 390/590, HIST 303A: A World Filled with Gods: Pagan, Jewish, Christian and Muslim Art in Late Antiquity. Orgu Dalgic. W 4:10-6:40
- CL xxx (no number yet)/STRS 728N: Seminar on the Medieval Papacy. Ken Pennington. W 3:10-5:40.
- ECST 781: The Sixth Century: End or Beginning? Philip Rousseau. TTH 11:10 - 12:25
- ENG 502: Introduction to Old English II. Lilla Kopár. TH 2:10-4:40
- GR 705: Patristic Seminar: Gregory of Nazianzus. William McCarthy. MWF 6:10-7:00
- HIST 609: Medieval Civilization I: The Historiography of the Early Middle Ages. Jennifer Paxton. T 3:10-5:00
- HIST 692: Medieval Italy. Katherine Jansen. M 4:10-6:00
- LAT 561: Introduction to Medieval Latin Studies. Frank Mantello. MWF 2:10-3:00
- LAT 733: Latin Paleography I. Frank Mantello. MWF 10:10-11:00
- Law 507/CL 701: History of Canon Law. Ken Pennington. MW 10:10-11:35
- PHIL 754: The Problem of Evil in Neo-Platonism. Matthias Vorwerk. F 12:10-2:00
- PHIL 787: Averroes and Aquinas on the Intellect. Therese-Anne Druart. W 4:10-6:00
- PHIL 791: The Thought of William of Ockham. Timothy Noone. W 6:10-8:00
- PHIL 842: Thomas Aquinas Speaks of God. John Wippel. M 4:10-6:00
- SEM 511: Introduction to Biblical Hebrew. TBA. MWF 10:10-11:00
- SEM 531: Introduction to Syriac I. Monica Blanchard. MWF 1:10-2:00
- SEM 241/541: Introduction to Classical and Quranic Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 10:10-11:00
- SEM 545: Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. TTH 9:35-10:50. [Prerequisite: Approval of Instructor.]
- SEM 247/547: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:10-1:00 [Open to graduate students, juniors and seniors.]
- SEM 681: Introduction to Coptic Studies. Janet Timbie. MWF 12:10-1:00
- SEM 741: Seminar in Arabic. Shawqi Talia. T 4:10-6:00 [Prerequisite: Approval of Instructor.]
- SEM 781: Readings in Coptic. Instructor: Janet Timbie. TTh 11:10-12:25 [Prerequisite: SEM 681 and 682, or equivalent.]
- TRS 727: Introduction to Medieval Theology. Joshua Benson. W 3:35-6:05
- TRS 742A: The Liturgical Year. Mark Morozowich. W 9:10-11:40
- TRS 743E: Liturgies of Christian Marriage. Michael Witczak. M 1:10-3:00 [Prerequisite: Working knowledge of Latin.]
- TRS 750A: Classics in Christian Spirituality, Part One. James Wiseman. Th 2:10-4:00
- TRS 754: The Franciscan Tradition. Regis Armstrong. MWF 9:10-10:00
Spring 2011
Undergraduate courses: Gateway course
- MDST 201(=ENG 250): Medieval Pathways. Jennifer Davis with Joan Grimbert, Scott Johnson, and Jennifer Paxton. TTH 11:10-12:25.
(A) History and Social Structures
- HIST 216: After the 'Fall' of Rome. Philip Rousseau and Jennifer Davis. MWF 11:10-12:00.
- HIST 380A: Medieval Ireland. Jennifer Paxton. MWF 1:10-2:00.
- HSHU 102: From Charlemagne to Chaucer. Claudia Bornholdt. TTH 12:35-1:50. [honors students only]
- SEM 505/705: History of Christians in the Islamic Near East. Sidney Griffith. TTH 9:35-10:50.
(B) Thought and Worship
- PHIL 305: Metaphysics [of Thomas Aquinas]. Gregory Doolan. MWF 9:10-10.
- PHIL 354: History of Medieval Philosophy. Thérèse-Anne Druart. MWF 1:10-2:00.
- TRS 367A: Unity and Diversity: Theology in the Middle Ages. Joshua Benson. TTH 2:10-3:25.
(C) Cultural and Artistic Expressions
- ART 301/501/HIST 308B/605A/MDST 310/MDST 610: Splendors of Byzantium: Art and Culture of the Empire, 330-1453. Örgü Dalgiç. F 10:10-12:40.
- ENG 347: Christian Literary Traditions: Burning Words. Daniel Gibbons. TTH 3:35-4:50.
- ENG 352: Chaucer and His Age II. Todd Lidh.
- ENG 353: Chaucer and the Italians. Steve Wright. (Off-campus: CUA in Rome.)
- FREN 515/ ENG 515: Courtly/Uncourtly: Medieval French Lays and Fabliaux. Joan Tasker Grimbert. TTH 2:10-3:25.
- GR 534: Greek Historical Writing. Sarah Ferrario. T 11:10-12:25 and 2:10-3:25. (Prerequisite: 2+ years college level Greek. This course will be taught in parallel with a course offered by Leonora Neville at the Univ. of Wisconsin.)
- SEM 247/547: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:10-1:00.
- SEM 546: Arabic Literature II. Shawqi Talia. TTH 9:35-10:50.
- SP 511: Medieval Spain: Myth and Archive. Lourdes Alvarez. T 3:35-6:05.
Approved Electives - SEM 242/542: Introduction to Classical and Quranic Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 10:10-11:00 (with TTH drilling sessions TBD)
- SEM 532: Introduction to Syriac II. Monica Blanchard. MWF 1:10pm-2:00.
Graduate courses:
- ART 301/501/ HIST 308B/605A/MDST 310/610: Splendors of Byzantium: Art and Culture of the Empire, 330-1453. Örgü Dalgic. F 10:10-12:40.
- CL 740/Law 508: History of Roman Law from the Ancient World until the 18th Century. Ken Pennington. Th 2:10-4:40.
- CL 702: Sources of Medieval Roman, Canon and Feudal Law. Ken Pennington. Th 10:10-12:00.
- CL 714/TRS 727F: History of Church Councils: Nicaea to Trent. Ken Pennington. T 1:10-3:40.
- ENG 651: Old English Poetry. Lilla Kopár. TTH 9:35-10:50.
- FREN 515/ ENG 515: Courtly/Uncourtly: Medieval French Lays and Fabliaux. Joan Tasker Grimbert. TTH 2:10-3:25.
- GR 534: Greek Historical Writing. Sarah Ferrario. T 11:10-12:25 and 2:10-3:25. (Prerequisite: 2+ years college level Greek. This course will be taught in parallel with a course offered by Leonora Neville at the Univ. of Wisconsin.)
- HIST 610: Medieval Civilization II. Jennifer Paxton. W 3:10-5.
- HIST 620A: "Late Antiquity", East and West. Philip Rousseau. Th 3:35-6:00.
- HIST 805: Medieval England. Jennifer Paxton. M 5:10-7:00.
- LAT 642: Medieval Latin Seminar: Carolingian Education. John Petruccione. T 6:35-7:50, Th 2:10-3:25. (Prerequisite: 2+ years of college level Latin.)
- PHIL 671: Medieval and Contemporary Theories of Virtue. Tobias Hoffmann. Th 5:35-7:25.
- SEM 505/705: History of Christians in the Islamic Near East. Sidney Griffith. TTH 9:35-10:50.
- SEM 532: Introduction to Syriac II. Monica Blanchard. MWF 1:10pm-2:00.
- SEM 242/542: Introduction to Classical and Quranic Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 10:10-11:00 (with TTH drilling sessions TBD).
- SEM 546: Arabic Literature II. Shawqi Talia. TTH 9:35-10:50.
- SEM 247/547: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:10-1:00.
- SEM 632: Syriac Literature. Sidney Griffith. TTH 2:10-3:25.
- SEM 642: Islamic and Christian Arabic. Sidney Griffith. TTH 12:35-1:50.
- SEM 682: Introduction to Coptic Studies. Janet Timbie. MWF 12:10-1:00. (Prerequisite: SEM 681 or equivalent.)
- SEM 782: Reading in Coptic. Janet Timbie. TTH 11-12:30. (Prerequisite: SEM 781 or equivalent.)
- SEM 804: Introduction to Classical Armenian. Monica Blanchard. MWF 5:10-6:00.
- SP 511: Medieval Spain: Myth and Archive. Lourdes Alvarez. T 3:35-6:05.
- PHIL 730: Aquinas's Metaphysics of Creation in the De Potentia. Gregory Doolan. W 2:10-4:00.
- PHIL 766: Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas II. John Wippel. M 4:10-6:00. (Prerequisite: Phil 765: Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas I.)
- TRS 727G: Medieval Exegesis. Joshua C. Benson. T 9:35-12:05.
- TRS 744 Eucharist: A Liturgical Theology. Michael G. Witczak. W 1:10-3:40.
- TRS 748A: Byzantine Divine Liturgy. Mark Morozowich. M 1:10-3:40.
- TRS 750B: Classics in Christian Spirituality II. James Wiseman. M 12:10-2:40.
- TRS 754B: Mystical Theology: Three Pivotal Texts of Bonaventure. Regis Armstrong. W 12:10-2:40.
- TRS 835: The Moral Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas. William C. Mattison. Th 2:10-4:40.
- TRS 846: Sources of the Ordo Missae. Michael G. Witczak. Th 9:10-11:40.
- TRS 867D: Aquinas on the Incarnation and Passion. William Loewe. W 3:10-5:40.
Fall 2010
Undergraduate courses:
(A) History and Social Structures
- CLAS 321/521: Numismatic Workshop. William Klingshirn. Tuesday 2:10-3:25pm. [No Greek or Latin required.]
- HIST 235A: Medieval Civilization. Jennifer Davis. MWF 11:10-12:00.
(B) Thought and Worship
- TRS 220: The Church through the Ages: From St Paul to Luther. TBA. TuTh 11:10-12:25 or 12:35-1:50
(C) Cultural and Artistic Expressions
- ART 341/574: Islamic Art and Architecture. Örgu Dalgic. W 1:10-3:40.
- ENG 312: Norse Mythology. Lilla Kopár. TuTh 11:10-12:25.
- ENG 351: Chaucer and His Age I. Stephen Wright. TuTh 2:20-3:25.
- FREN 509: Old French. Joan Grimbert. TuTh 2:10-3:25.
- SEM 245/545: Arabic Literature I. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 9:35-10:50.
- SEM 247/547: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:10-1:00.
Approved Electives
- GR 509: Intensive Elementary Greek. Louise Mundstock. MWF 1:10-3:00. (6 credits)
- SEM 241/541: Introduction to Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 10:10-11:00. [Prerequisite: dept. consent.]
- SEM 531: Introduction to Syriac I. Monica Blanchard. MWF 1:10-2:00.
Graduate courses:
- ART 341/574: Islamic Art and Architecture. Örgu Dalgic. W 1:10-3:40.
- CL 701/LAW 507: History of Canon Law. Ken Pennington. MW 10:10-11:25.
- CLAS 521: Numismatic Workshop. William Klingshirn. Th 2:10-3:25. [Requires 2 years of Greek or Latin.]
- CLAS 619/HIST 618A: Greek Historical Writing I. Sarah Ferrario. Tu 2:10-4:50.
- ENG 621: History of the English Language. TuTh 9:35-10:50.
- ENG 754: Chaucer's Troilus and Minor Poems. Stephen Wright. W 6:10-8:30.
- FREN 509: Old French. Joan Grimbert. TuTh 2:10-3:25.
- GR 509: Intensive Elementary Greek. Louise Mundstock. MWF 1:10-3:00. (6 credits)
- GR 705: Patristic Seminar: Clement of Alexandria. William McCarthy. MWF 3:10-4:00. [Requires 2 years of Greek and GR 511 or equivalent.]
- HIST 609: Medieval Civilization I: The Historiography of the Early Middle Ages. Jennifer Davis. W 3:10-5:00.
- HIST 611A: Problems in Carolingian History. Jennifer Davis. M 3:10-5:00.
- HIST 640: Later Medieval England. Jennifer Paxton. Th 5:10-7:00.
- PHIL 640: Habits and Virtues in Aquinas. Angela McKay Knobel. Th 5:35-7:25.
- PHIL 765: Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas, Part I. John Wippel.
- PHIL 797: The Metaphysics of John Duns Scotus. Tim Noone. Th 3:35-5:25. [Knowledge of Latin recommended.]
- PHIL 816: The Confessions of Augustine. Kevin White. W 6:10-8:00.
- SEM 241/541: Introduction to Arabic. Shawqi Talia. MWF 10:10-11:00. [Prerequisite: dept. consent.]
- SEM 245/545: Arabic Literature I. Shawqi Talia. TuTh 9:35-10:50.
- SEM 247/547: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:10-1:00.
- SEM 531: Introduction to Syriac I. Monica Blanchard. MWF 1:10-2:00.
- SEM 681: Introduction to Coptic Studies. Janet Timbie. MWF 12:10-1:00.
- SEM 803: Introduction to Classical Armenian. Monica Blanchard. MWF 5:10-6:00.
- TRS 650A: Introduction to the History of Christian Spirituality. Regis Armstrong.
- TRS 650C: Eastern Spirituality. Seely J. Beggiani.
- TRS 721: Principles of Patristic Exegesis. Tarmo Toom.
- TRS 741A: Liturgy: Theological and Historical Perspectives. Dominic Serra.
- TRS 747A: The Cult of Saints in Liturgical Practice. Michael Witczak. Tu 2:10-4:30.
- TRS 750A: Classics Spirituality. James Wiseman.
- TRS 823E: Medieval Christology. Joshua Benson.
- TRS 830E: Ethics and Politics in St. Augustine. Joseph Capizzi.
- TRS 844: Penance in the First Millennium. Mark Morozowich.
- TRS 846: Liturgies of Death and Dying. Michael Witczak. W 1:10-3:30.
Spring 2010
Undergraduate courses:
- MDST 201 (=ENG 250): Medieval Pathways [gateway course for majors and minors]. Lilla Kopár, Claudia Bornholdt, Shialing Kwa, Denis Obermeyer. TTH 12:35-1:50
(A) History and Social Structures
- CLAS 572: Mediterranean World of Late Antiquity. W. E. Klingshirn. TTH 11:10-12:25
- HIST 236a: The World of the Crusades. Leonora Neville. MWF 10:10-11:00
- HIST 313A: Charlemagne and the Birth of Europe. Jennifer Davis. TTH, 2:10-3:25
- HSHU 102: From Charlemagne to Chaucer. Katherine Jansen. TTH 12:35-1:50 [honors students only]
- SEM 503/703: History of the Christian Near East: From the Formative?Period to the Age of Justinian. Sidney Griffith and Janet Timbie. TTH 9:35-10:50
(B) Thought and Worship
- PHIL 354-01: History of Medieval Philosophy. Therese-Anne Druart. [reserved for majors in Philosophy and MBS]
- TRS 324A: Women in Christian Tradition. Susan Wessel. MWF 12:10-1:00
- TRS 344: Liturgies of Eastern Churches. Seely J. Beggiani. MWF 11:10-12:00
- TRS 356A: Francis and Clare. Joshua Benson. TTH 3:35-4:50
(C) Cultural and Artistic Expressions
- ART 335/533: Western Medieval Art and Architecture. Orgu Dalgic. W 1:10-3:40
- ENG 352: Chaucer and His Age II. Steve Wright. TTH 2:10-3:25
- ENG 509: The Medieval Book: An Introduction to Manuscripts and Manuscript Culture. Steve Wright. M 4:10-6:40
- SEM 246/546: Arabic Literature II. Shawqi Talia. TTH 9:35-10:50
- SEM 247/547: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:10-1:00
- GR 541: Introduction to Later Greek Language and Literature. [Byzantine Greek literature]. TBA.
- LAT 561: Introduction to Medieval Latin Studies. F.A.C. Mantello. MWF 11:10-12:00
Graduate courses:
- CL 702/TRS 529A: Research Seminar: The Sources of Law from the Eleventh to the Fifteenth Centuries. Ken Pennington
- CL 760/LAW 508: European legal history. Ken Pennington
- CLAS 572: Mediterranean World of Late Antiquity. W. E. Klingshirn. TTH 11:10-12:25
- ENG 509: The Medieval Book: An Introduction to Manuscripts and Manuscript Culture. Steve Wright. M 4:10-6:40
- ENG 843: Seminar: Beowulf. Lilla Kopár. Tue 4:10-6:40
- GR 541: Introduction to Later Greek Language and Literature. [Byzantine Greek literature]. TBA.
- HIST 609: Medieval Civilization II. Katherine Jansen. W 3:10-5:00
- HIST 612A: Archaeology for the Medieval Historian. Jennifer Davis. T 5:10-7:00
- HIST 621: Introduction to Byzantine History. Leonora Neville. M 3:10-5:00
- HIST 805: Narrative Sources in Medieval England. Jennifer Paxton. TH 5:10-7:00
- LAT 561: Introduction to Medieval Latin Studies. F.A.C. Mantello. MWF 11:10-12:00
- LAT 733: Latin Paleography I. F.A.C. Mantello. MWF 3:10-4:00
- PHIL 602-01: History of Medieval Philosophy. Therese-Anne Druart.
- PHIL 727: Aquinas on Pleasure. Kevin White. [with permission only]
- PHIL 789: Thomas Aquinas, Radical Aristotelianism, and the Paris Condemnations of 1270 and 1277. John F. Wippel.
- SEM 246/546: Arabic Literature II. Shawqi Talia. TTH 9:35-10:50
- SEM 247/547: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:10-1:00
- SEM 503/703: History of the Christian Near East: From the Formative?Period to the Age of Justinian. Sidney Griffith and Janet Timbie. TTH 9:35-10:50
- TRS 720D: Augustine: The Confessions. Tarmo Toom. T 2:10-4:40
- TRS 727: Introduction to Medieval Theology. Joshua Benson. TH 9:35-12:05
- TRS 727B: Formation of Orthodoxy. Susan Wessel. W 9:10-11:40
- TRS 740: Liturgical Sources. Dominic E. Serra. TH 2:10-4:40
- TRS 742b: Liturgy of the Hours. Dominic E. Serra. T 2:10-4:40
- TRS 744a: Death and Dying: A liturgical theology. Michael Witczak. TH 9:35-12:05
- TRS 750B: Classics in Christian Spirituality II. James Wiseman. M 12:10-2:40
- TRS 754D: Franciscan Tradition of Spirituality. Regis Armstrong. W 1:10-3:40
Fall 2009
Undergraduate courses:
- ART 211: History of Art: Prehistoric-Middle Ages. Opher Mansour. T-Th 12:35-1:50.
- ART 321: Venetian Renaissance Art. Opher Mansour. Tue 3:35-5:50.
- CLAS 205: History of the Ancient Mediterranean I. William Klingshirn. TuTh 9:35-10:50.
- CLAS 325: Archeology of Ancient Life. Sabine Albersmeier. MTh 6:10-7:25
- ENG 351: Chaucer and His Age I. Steve Wright. TTR 2:10-3:25
- ENG 356: Arthurian Literature. Steve Wright. TTR 11:10-12:25
- ENG 501: Introduction to Old English. Lilla Kopár. M 4:00-6:30. [Undergraduates allowed with instructor's permission.]
- HIST 235A: The Medieval World. Jennifer Davis, MWF 11:10-12:00
- HIST 309: The Rise of Islam. Leonora Neville & Sidney Griffith, TuTh 12:35-1:50
- LAT 529: Roman Elegy. John Petruccione. TuTh 3:35-4:50
- PHIL 305: Metaphysics [an overview of Thomistic metaphysics]. Gregory Doolan.
- SEM 545: Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. TTH 9:35-10:50 [Open to qualified students of Arabic, graduates and undergraduates. Dept. consent required.]
- SEM 547: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:10-1:00 [Open to graduates and undergraduates (juniors and seniors).]
- TRS 220: Medieval Church History from Paul to Luther. Ken Pennington. MW 3:10-4:25
Graduate courses:
- CL 701/Law 507: The History of Canon Law. Ken Pennington. MW 10:10-11:25
- ENG 501: Introduction to Old English. Lilla Kopár. M 4:00-6:30. [Undergraduates allowed with instructor's permission.]
- ENG 754: Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Steve Wright. W 4:10-6:40
- GR 655: Survey of Greek Literature. William McCarthy. MWF 3:10-4:00
- GR 705: Patristic Seminar (Basil and the Hexaemeral Literature). William McCarthy. MWF 6:10-7:00
- HIST 609: Medieval Civilization I: The Historiography of the Early Middle Ages. Jennifer Davis, W 3:10-5:00.
- HIST 617A: Anglo Norman England. Jennifer Paxton. Th 5:10-7:00.
- HIST 679: Latin Hagiography of the Later Middle Ages. Katherine L. Jansen. Tue 5:00-7:00 [ Reading knowledge of Latin required.]
- HIST 694A: Readings in Early Islamic History. Leonora Neville, Th 3:10-5:00
- HIST 844: The Political History of the Middle Ages. Jennifer Davis, M 5:10-7:00. [Reading knowledge of Latin required.]
- LAT 529: Roman Elegy. John Petruccione. TuTh 3:35-4:50
- PHIL 870: Avicenna's Metaphysics. Therese-Anne Druart.
- PHIL 895: Aquinas on the Categories of Being. Gregory Doolan.
- SEM 545: Medieval Arabic Literature. Shawqi Talia. TTH 9:35-10:50 [Open to qualified students of Arabic, graduates and undergraduates. Dept. consent required.]
- SEM 547: Arabic Literature in Translation. Shawqi Talia. MWF 12:10-1:00 [Open to graduates and undergraduates (juniors and seniors).]
- SEM 681: Introduction to Coptic Studies. Janet Timbie. MWF 11:10-12:00
- SEM 781: Readings in Coptic. Janet Timbie. TTh 11:10-12:25 [Prereq. SEM 681 or equivalent]
- TRS 743A: Liturgical Year. Mark Morozowich.