The School of Arts and Sciences offers an interdisciplinary undergraduate minor in Peace and Justice Studies. Founded in 1981, Catholic University's program is the longest-standing peace studies curriculum in the D.C. area. The purposes of the program are to enable students to explore the complex set of issues surrounding violent and nonviolent approaches to resolving conflicts and to promote an interdisciplinary approach to the study of peace, justice, and world order. The program is administered by the office of the Dean of Undergraduate Studies in cooperation with the program director.
Six courses (18 credit hours) are required to complete the minor. Three of these are core courses in, respectively, politics, sociology, and religious studies. Students further choose three electives from one of three thematically defined tracks:
- Peacemaking in Theory and Practice
- Intergroup Conflict and Cooperation
- World Conflict and Cooperation
At least one course for the minor must include a service learning component. In addition, students are expected to complete a senior thesis — normally, a term paper written in the context of a course counting toward the minor, on a topic chosen in consultation with the director.
Courses taken in accredited study abroad programs may be accepted upon application. The list of eligible courses is updated periodically. In putting together a course program, students should consult with the director.