From Jesus to Muhammed This is a book and digital project, based on the honors course of the same name, developed by Professors Klingshirn, Griffith, and Rousseau, assisted by Dana Robinson (an alumna of our doctoral program and now at Creighton University). In addition to lecture texts and reading lists, it will include maps and pictorial sources. Progress depends on further funding.

First Millennium Network
The Network organizes lectures and seminars in the Greater Washington DC area. Colleagues from local universities and invited speakers from further afield come together to discuss historical and cultural developments that give the First Millennium a degree of coherence. Particular attention is paid to the interplay between the great Abrahamic monotheisms (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) and their relations with the classical tradition. See more.

Caesarius of Arles
In collaboration with the association Aux Sources de la Provence (ASP), the Center is engaged in a project to document the life, writings, and reception of Caesarius, bishop of Arles (502-542).

Graduate Symposium on Patristic Receptions
This group aims to study the 20th and 21st century receptions of patristic/early Church writings broadly conceived. Of particular interest are those figures who received these writings into their own theology traditions of Catholicism, Eastern and Oriental Orthodoxy, and Protestantism. Their different uses of early Christian sources signaled, augmented, and advanced their own theological and philosophical projects. As such, it is worth asking why and how theologians, philosophers, historians, and philologists have received these sources as a part of (or distinct from) their own traditions. The format of our meetings will be to have one or two graduate students present on a book of interest for 15-20 minutes with time for questions, after which, all in attendance will be free to participate in a discussion of a short chapter or article which they read prior to the meeting.